How To Become a Blogger
This is a tutorial (sorry about the delay of Kid Icarus Explained: Suited and Rebooted, I'll do the blog immediately as I get Inkscape back)
This is a tutorial (sorry about the delay of Kid Icarus Explained: Suited and Rebooted, I'll do the blog immediately as I get Inkscape back)
HO BOY EET KRIMA (Well, not really. But I’m getting there.) Due to winter break coming soon, I will be producing neither a blog nor a podcast next week. HOWEVER-…
टंक सुवेदी विष्णुमाया दिदी मेरी कुलकी जेष्ठ आांकुरी उनैलाइ सधैं गर्छु नमस्कार मुरी मुरी हाम्रो आड भरोसा हुन् ज्ञान भण्डारकी परी उनकै वियोगमा आज सुन्यभो अमरा पुरी (१) हंसपुर गाउॅंमा…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (well not really)
WELCOME TO NEW YORK for the third time in you life lol