Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

By: Eureka Subedi

Have you ever sat down on your desk or a table top with an empty notebook, not knowing what to use it for, or do you have empty notebooks at home that you bought but don’t know what to use it for? I definitely have! Here are five different ideas to fill up an empty notebook!

Dream Journal!

One Idea is to use it has a dream journal! I know this idea may sound CRAZY knowing that there are so many people in the world that wake up not knowing what the dreamed about! Well there are a few days where I wake up remembering what I dreamed about, so when one of those days happen I immediately jot it down! So if you can remember your dream every once in a while this may be a great idea for you! You could even sketch out your dream if you wanted to!


I know that this is one of the most common ways to fill up a journal but isn’t still a very fun way! Everyday write about your day and what’s in your mind or even a question! You don’t even have to start of each day with a “Dear Diary”, just write about your day and whats been on your mind or if you have a problem but don’t feel like talking about it write it down, it always helps people feel better!

Quote Journal!

I personally LOVE quotes so if I see a quote that really stands out to me or inspires me I write it down immediately! You could even make up your own quotes! Try to be decorative and use washy tape or cute stickers or post it notes.

Thought Journal!

For this journal take a notebook and write a header that you want to speak up on! For example if you take the topic of Racism you would write it as the header and below the header you would write what you think about the subject and what makes the subject not right. You could also write some positive things about the subject, though I don’t see ANYTHING positive about being racist. Try to write at least a paragraph to the whole page for one subject.

Sketch Book with a twist!

If you have an empty sketch book here is an idea! I know that sketch books are mostly used to draw but instead of drawing any thing draw what you did or ate that day. For example write the date as the header then draw what you did or ate. Like for breakfast if you had a cup of coffee and eggs draw those items then label them! You could also draw anything you want to as well!