Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
bright blue wavy smoke on white backgroundPhoto by Skyler Ewing on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Many people have drug addictions. How do YOU know your child doesn’t have an addiction? My name is Abby Subedi, and in this blog, I’ll tell you surprising things about nicotine you wouldn’t know, and if your child is hiding their addiction. Kids are getting crafty, and you need to know to protect them. Let’s get to it.

Nicotine is a powerful substance. Through a process called dabbing, if they get too much of it, kids can pass out or go crazy. Some school officials say they’ve found students passed out in the bathroom. Dabbing can be done anywhere, without producing the strong nicotine smell. So kids can do it in school bathrooms, in their rooms, you name it, they can do it there. Vaping is a strong problem, too. To vape, you vape nicotine pods, and one nicotine pod is equivalent to an entire pack of cigarettes! But using cigarettes, someone can look at their cigarette pack and think, “Woah, I’ve got only ten cigarettes left for the day. I should slow down.” But while vaping, you don’t know how much you’re getting. Some people vape 4 pods in one day. That’s equal to 80 cigarettes! Nicotine can be in many candies, sometimes easily recognized by the misspelled brand names. Like Oeos, Keef Kats, Buddahfingahs, etc, etc. Might wanna start reading your candy bar labels. I’m just saying.

Are your kids hiding nicotine? They can hide nicotine in over 60 different ways! I’ll give you some of the lesser known ways. Kids will hide nicotine and vape pods in their trash cans, because their thinking, “Hey, Mom and Dad aren’t gonna look in my trash can. I’ll hide it in here!” Your kids can also hide their nicotine in pillowcases, because parents won’t look in their pillowcases. They’ll even hide them in their stuffed animals. They can also buy concealment items, from a waterbottle that’s not a waterbottle to a phone that’s an alcoholic flask! If you hear, “Hey, your kids been chewing on their sweatshirt strings.” Then they could be vaping! Here’s how: search up ‘vapewear’. Kids can get their shot, then hide it again. Sneaky!

And that’s most of what you need to know. Please check with your kids, talk with them, take them for a walk, bring this up. It will help your child in the future.

Information from Wake-Up Call. Resource:

By Abby Subedi
