Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

We all know about the month February, yea? The month that’s famous for Valentine’s Day, and also famous for Presidents Day, and that’s pretty much it of what the majority of of us people know as of February. But however, February is also BLACK HISTORY MONTH!

*pause for applause*

Um… I should probably explain what Black History Month even IS. Black History Month is a WHOLE month when we all celebrate every famous African Americans that have made a difference in all of our lives, even the ones that are not in the spotlight!

A long, long time ago, African Americans were not considered people: because of slavery, people transported people from Africa to work for Caucasians (Americans) as slaves and servants. After slavery was made illegal(thank you Abe Lincoln), segregation acted up, people treating Americans better than African Americans. Because of this, famous activists (whose names still are standing out today) stood up against segregation, and (long story short) finally made everyone get treated equally, no matter of the color of their skin.

There are many examples of famous African Americans in history and some that are still alive today! Here is a list of only a few famous African Americans that change(d) our lives even TODAY!

Martin Luther King Jr

Rosa Parks

Maya Angalou

Fredrick Douglass

Harriet Tubman

W.E.B Du Boris

Sojourner Truth

So I have a little challenge for you: I want you to add more people to this list. It can be anyone as long as they are African American, so we can celebrate Black History Month with many people that we can cheer for.

Good Luck!

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering