Finding Junie Kim: A book review
May is a special month with so many celebrations such as Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Ramadan/Eid, Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Month, and the most important, Mental…
May is a special month with so many celebrations such as Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Ramadan/Eid, Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Month, and the most important, Mental…
A few days ago, Tesla founder Elon Musk reveled Asperger’s syndrome in the comedy Saturday Night Live by saying quote, “I’m actually making history tonight as the first person with…
Today it was time to do the final trial, and Klara went to the battlefield, without talking smack to me? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! SOMETHING IS UP, I thought, plus…
आयाे आज खुसाली पूर्ण हुनगाे छैसठ्ठी सम्वत्सरविउझाए सुकुमारीले सुमधुराे वन्दैगयाे याे घरमुस्काए सयपत्री फूल दुइटा वास्ना हजाराैं छरेनाेभा आज दिदी भइन् र उनकै वैनी युरेका परे हाँसेहुन् सूनज्यूरी स्वर्ग पुरिमा…
My favorite anime is The Seven Deadly Sins because of the conflict. This anime started out by the characters Elizabeth, Meliodas and Hawk running the tavern. The tavern is a…
It all started on the 15th of March when a celebration called Kumbh Mela had begun, ever since this festival the covid rates in many parts of India had increased…
I like to read diverse books because I enjoy learning about different cultures. I also believe that reading diverse books is the best way to promote diversity and inclusion from…
On this Sunday I decided to write about the book Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan. I hope you read it when you have the chance.
Today I started my day with good ol’ Mustard saying, “Those of you who passed the first trial, good work. To celebrate, I could definitely kill for a bowl of…
टंक सुवेदी मादी कल्कल बग्दछिन् बगरमा भुस्वर्ग यो पोखरामेराे गाँउछ हंसपुर विचमा अग्लो भुमेको धरापाखामा रमणिय ठाँउहरु छन् वस्ति नयाँ खालकाेबाटो,पानी मिलेर गाँउ सजिलाे बन्दै नेपालको फुल्छन् फूल बुकी गुराँस…