The Power’s Out: Things To Do If You Have No Electricity
Hey everybody. In case you all are wondering how I got the idea to do this blog, the answer will come to you in only a few words… … my…
Aiiiiiii Just Wanna Go Home-
I’m writing this blog on my way to Ohio(not one word from you 7th grade males-), so no FNF covers. So far, the trip has been super long and bumpy-too…
The Bond With My Sister (Nova’s Version)
Hello everyone again! If you remember from a looooooooooong time ago (specifically last year September 17), my sister made a blog describing our relationship together (it’s right here if you…
Learning About Yourself: What I have Learned
Hello everyone! If you all pay attention to what I write (almost) every single week, I wrote of what I did during the summer (which includes baking and doing nothing,…
A music track that I wanted to put here
Hello everyone! I am too tired (i be writing this at 11:26pm). All I want to do is just put a bop from on of my previous YouTube Spotlights, There…
Daily YouTube Spotlight: There I Ruined It
Hey everyone! I know that my artwork might be missing from most of my posts so far, so today is where I (possibly) will end this hiatus and start doing…
The Amusement Park That Makes Me Sleepy
Hi everyone! Today, I’m going to be talking about an amusement park I went to yesterday, which ironically made me so tired and bored that I fell asleep. The experience…
Sorry for the lists, guys
Hi guys! If you have been reading my past blogs, you might realize I have made a TON of very boring lists I really didn’t need to make. I want…