Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

YOS HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY RUV(one day early woah)!

one of my friends hates you for some reason so I knew I had to go all out for your birthday >:3

So, I’m gonna write a “little”(maybe-ish) story here! I got my writing motivation back(pulls out 14-foot machine gun)and IMMA USE IT!!!

Let’s start with some covers!

Wife Whenever but RuvStyle and DragShot sing it(Sharv’s voice at the start was only for effect, also I made it on mute so it sounds a little weird)

Dejection V2 Remix but RuvStyle sings it because yes

Joyride but Rayna and RuvStyle sing it(Rayna goes eh ee for like 80% of the song .____.)


RuvStyle(aka Ruvenstain) was sitting in his room on his bed. His legs were crossed, his mind deep in focus. The god summoned a small flame and allowed it to dance between his fingers before trapping it in his fist, dousing the spark.

He exhaled. Another long year had passed.

Another year with Manifest whispering in his ear. Another year with his splitting headaches he would get whenever the transformations happened.

But it had also been a year with his friends. A year filled with joy and laughter.

He smiled, remembering his adventures with Jhordan(or Hexa, as he was better known)and Sharv, in their little pink realm they called their safe space. Created by Jhordan and RuvStyle himself, their pocket in the universe had been created as a hangout space. RuvStyle remembered the late night talks, the joy they felt, and the hard times they pulled each other through.

“You’ll never be alone, Ruv. Not as long as we’re here.”

Ruvenstain felt a smile creep across his face as he remembered the words of his friend, Sharv.

A knock on the door. “Hey, bro?”

RuvStyle jolted, not expecting the sudden noise. “Yeah, Drag?”

DragShot(or Drag, as RuvStyle called him), RuvStyle’s brother, went silent. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” RuvStyle sighed. “Come on in.”

Carefully, the door opened, and a boy with brown, bushlike hair entered the room. He wore a white shirt with a pine green vest over it. He also wore blue jeans and black sneakers. His russet brown showed concern and a little bit of embarrassment.

“What is it?” RuvStyle balled up a piece of paper and idly tossed it from hand to hand. “Is someone bothering you?”

“No,” DragShot sighed, “Neo wants you downstairs. He said come quickly, everyone’s waiting.”

“For what?”

DragShot simply shrugged and turned to leave.

“Ohhh, sure.” RuvStyle threw the balled up piece of paper at his brother, hitting him in the head. “Don’t tell me what it is. Not gonna come down there until you do.”

DragShot laughed. “There’s salchipapa.”


RuvStyle sat in the kitchen and sighed as his brother pushed a plate loaded with french fries and beef sausages, topped with a light yellow, creamy aji amarillo sauce in front of him.

“You know I can’t resist salchipapa. That move was evil.”

“But it worked.” DragShot grinned. “See?”

“Shut up.” Ruvenstain stabbed a piece of the still-steaming food with his fork and shoved it into his mouth. “So, what is it?”

“Well, do you know what day it is? Wait, how’ve you finished already?”

The plate was clean and RuvStyle was now wiping his mouth with the back of his coat sleeve.

“I eat as fast as the lightning I summon. If it’s salchipapa, it’s best enjoyed immediately.”

“Ruv!” DragShot laughed. “Do you know what day it is? I asked you already.”

Before RuvStyle could answer, something covered his eyes. A pair of hands?

His survival instincts kicked in, and he blindly shot his right elbow behind him.

“Oh, crap!”

Ruvenstain twisted around to find Sharv, his hands up in surrender. He’d somehow dodged the blow RuvStyle had thrown at him-RuvStyle knew because, well, he wasn’t curled up in a ball and retching, clutching his stomach.

Ruvenstain felt a surge of anger well up inside him. He opened his mouth to say something, but Sharv was already responding.

“Don’t yell-I’m sorry. I forgot you don’t like that.” Sharv looked at the ground and pulled his hood a bit farther over his face. “Sorry.”

He looked genuinely ashamed.

“It’s okay,” RuvStyle sighed, “I know you didn’t mean any harm.” He pulled his scarf down a bit. “I’m more concerned that I nearly punched your GUTS out than whether you touched my face or not.”

Sharv nodded, but didn’t look reassured by this.

Mira, papu, está bien. Olvídalo.” (Look, dude, it’s okay. Forget it.)

Sharv nodded. “Está bien.” (Okay.)

“…Did you want to tell me something?”

Sharv looked up. “Oh, yeah! Come with me.”

He grabbed RuvStyle’s wrist and dragged him toward the living room. DragShot put the kitchenware into the sink before following close behind.

“Wait-what is this? Sharv what’s happening?”

Sharv only smiled.

They finally reached the living room, and as Sharv threw the door open, RuvStyle heard-


RuvStyle gasped as he saw all of his friends smiling at him. Zuih ran up to Ruvenstain, whacked a red party hat onto the top of his head, and ran back to join the others.

Hexadust tackled RuvStyle in a hug. “Happy birthday, Ruv!”

RuvStyle laughed. “I thought you guys forgot!”

“Ouch,” DragShot laughed, “I’m your brother. Pre-tty sure I wouldn’t forget my brother’s birthday(I was going to put “older brother’s” but then realized I don’t know who’s older).”

Neonight smiled. “Fore has something they’d like to show you.”

Fore smiled and held up a laptop screen for RuvStyle to see. It showed a duck. Screaming. With it’s head on fire and RuvStyle standing ominously behind it. After about thirty seconds, the duck became a roasted bird and RuvStyle gave a thumbs up with some text saying, “Happy Birthday!” in bright pink font.

RuvStyle let out a surprised little laugh. “Oh my god-“

Fore grinned. “Happy birthday, you filthy ingrate.” They walked to the couch and sat down, where they promptly began editing the animation.

RuvStyle took no offense to Fore’s remark, knowing it was just a playful antic of theirs.

RuvStyle looked at Neonight. “What are they-?”

Neonight looked over Fore’s shoulder. “They appear to be making the roasted bird do a dead Peter Griffin Pose.”


“Are we ready for cake?” Zynux gestured to an impossibly large ice cream cake with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUVENSTAIN” in red icing.

RuvStyle looked at his brother, who nodded. RuvStyle smiled.

“Yeah. Yeah, we are.”


Scrapped Scene:

RuvStyle opened the door for a doll to swing in front of him and hit him in the face.

“AH, CRAP!” RuvStyle screamed. Although “crap” was not the word he used.

the doll is Rutail btw



DragShot Chromatic:

Vs. Universo Style(PLAY IT NOWWWW):

Vs. Rayna V2:

NuSky + Skyverse:

Wednesday’s Infidelity:

DDTO Plus!:

Dejection V2 REMIX FLP:

Joyride FLP:

By Abby Subedi
