Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Last week, Saturday 1/28/23, I attended my first forensics meet at Oak Creek East Middle School. I performed in the category Special Events and the sub category Vacation Blog. My category required my friend, Anjali, and I to perform a documentary about a vacation. Our vacation to the Dead Doll Island in Mexico was “unique and captivating”, according to our forensics coach Mrs. Uttech, who completely admired the piece.

During the first round I observed that the judge was very quiet but she was really kind to us. In our skit we find a button that says “DO NOT PRESS!!”, but knowing us we pressed it! The button teleported us in a small ship surrounded by nothing but blue with the night sky above us. However, that wasn’t the scariest part, we fell off the boat struggling to breathe. We were gasping for air until we blacked out and woke up on a dark unknown shore with thousands of eyes looking down on us. Green, blue, brown, alive, and dead! All eyes of dolls towering over us!

Next, a doll in white rags and long black hair picked me up by the neck dangling me in the sky! I was panicking while Anjali was trying to find the button, the button that led us here. It was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a doll squishes Anjali, pushing her to the ground! When the doll that was holding me like a puppet finally let go of me I rushed to Anjali and dodged dolls and dolls to find the button that led us here, in this traumatic situation. We finally found the button, and pressing it was a relief, for we were finally out of that deathly situation. The portal opened and we saw stars and different specks of colors floating all over, it was like outer space! When the portal closed we were delicately placed on our feet as the bell dismissing classes and freeing students echoed through the school halls. Students flooded the halls enjoying each other’s company, while we enjoyed getting out of Dead Doll Island.

“Thank you”, we said as the sound of clapping filled the room. Once we got our results back we places second! In our first room, the judge ranked our skit 3rd while in the second room our judge ranked us 1st! However, this meet did not give out medals but all was okay because Anjali and I still went home with a victory.