Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


It’s been a while since I made FNF covers.

I’ve been a little busy with school and animation, but I decided to make a cover of one of my favorite songs-Come Along With Me, composed by Awe.

There’s a story to make up for the lack of covers-or at least context, idk.

Okay. Here we go.
Hexa walks through a dark hallway, eyes darting left and right to look for minions taken by corruption.

Hexa: Sharv…

An image flashes across the screen-Sharv’s arm covered in the Darkness as he grimaces and warns Hexa to stay back.

Hexa: Why did it have to be you…

Another image of RuvStyle falling off a building.

Hexa: RuvStyle’s gone as well…I’m the only one left standing…now what?

Hexa: >sighs< It’s not like I can do much about this…wait…Ruv?

The camera pans to show RuvStyle standing at the end of the hallway.

Hexa: Ruv…

He runs over to the god and stumbles, falling at his feet. There, on his hands and knees, he begins to cry.

Hexa: Sharv…he was taken…it’s…it’s all my fault…

Hexa sobs and RuvStyle allows his friend to bury his face in his shoulder.

RuvStyle: There, there…it’s not your fault. You did what you could.

Hexa: >shakes his head< No. You don’t understand. It is my fault. I…I could’ve saved him. He was in my reach.

Hexa allows RuvStyle to hold him a bit tighter.

Hexa: He…he told me to stay back. I wouldn’t. I wasn’t going to leave my friend behind. Not after Neo…

His voice trails off.

RuvStye>dull<: You did what you could.

Hexa>talking fast<: There has to be a way. We might be able to reverse the process. Maybe we can get them back-

RuvStyle>dejected<: There isn’t.

Hexa: ?

RuvStyle: Not that I know of, anyway. Once you’re in the grasp, you can’t escape. It’s like being stuck in a orb of amber.

Hexa looks at RuvStyle.

Hexa: …But you escaped. Right? Maybe they could… Maybe…

His voice trails off as he sees the grim face of the god before him. Tears well in his eyes before he slumps against a wall, curls up, and sighs, blinking back tears.

We see RuvStyle’s eyes flash from normal to manifest. His pupils dilate.

???>telepathically<: DO IT.

RuvStyle>hurriedly<: Jhordan.

Hexadust looks up, surprised.

RuvStyle: Listen to me. Get out of here. Now.

Hexa: But-!

RuvStyle: No time to explain. Run. Don’t stop until you’re far away from here.

Hexa: Wait. You’re coming with me, right?

RuvStyle: …

Hexa: Please, man. I can’t go solo again. Not when I’ve found you.

RuvStyle’s posture loosens into a slump. His form slightly glitches before reverting back to it’s original state.

RuvStyle: Come along, Jhordan. Come along with me.

Hexa>thinking<: I’ve found him. we’re together. We can find everyone.

But why does this feel so…wrong? I can’t put my finger on it…

RuvStyle: Come along with me.

Everything will be okay…

Come Along With Me but RuvStyle and Hexa sing it

#abbysubedi #apocalypse #fnf #hexadust #pibby #pibbyapocalypse #ruvstyle #woowoo #zynux




RuvStyle’s Collection:

Vs. Hexa:

Pibby Apocalypse DEMO:

By Abby Subedi
