Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

On the 18th of Friday in February, I had my second forensics meet of the year. On the 18th there was no school so I and my partner met up at her house so we could go to the school together. I was nervous since on the 11th we also had a competition but we completely changed our script, our category was special events and our subcategory was gossip, gossip, gossip. Our previous script was that we were news reporters for the talk show DISNEWS where we talked about all things, Disney. In the previous script, we were talking about Snowwhite, Cinderella, and Aurora, but on our comment sheet after the competition we got many comments talking about how instead of gossip our script was mostly storytelling about what the movies were about.

The car ride to the school was silent, we had all of our props in the back from tri-folds to posters, to hats and even feather boas. I knew I was nervous, especially since we were going to a different school but I could tell that my partner was also nervous. When we reached the school, our first task was to navigate the room that held our competition. The school was HUGE, it took us a solid twenty minutes to find the classroom. Finally, it was time for our competition, I recognized many people from the first meet and we knew that they were competition. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, it was finally our time to perform. During our performance, I could tell we had a few mess-ups, so because of that, I doubted that we could still place for a medal. It was around 8:30 pm when the P.A system announced the winners for the category of special events. “And our second-place medal goes to OS41”, announced the man. My partner and I screamed with joy, even though it wasn’t first place, the second was great too. Out of the May things we learned and got to know that night, one thing that I and my partner both knew was that, we were going for gold next time.