Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

By: Eureka Subedi

As I sit here in my room on the 13th of March 2021 I think about last year…

On the 13th of Friday in March 2020 our school district (Elmbrook School District) we got the email on a Wednesday, that we would officially have school virtually for the upcoming two weeks, little did we know those “two weeks” turned into 53 weeks. The Friday of 13th held a lot of memories and taught me a few lessons. I was a 5th grader enjoying my last year as an Elementary student, that was, until this specific date.

On the 13th of March last year I hopped on to my school bus as usual saying, “Hi” and greeting my friends, as well as my bus driver, and no one was wearing a mask or practicing social distancing since corona wasn’t a very big problem back then. As I got to my classroom I see my classmates enjoying their time with their friends for the last time. I do my normal routine in my classroom, until my teacher Mrs. Lewcock soon calls the class over to the rug in the back of the classroom near the smart board. “For the next two weeks we will be having our school virtually,” she announced. “Lets find a few ways to enjoy the upcoming two weeks, as we continue learning”, she continued. Then she proceeded to tell us her ideas of continuing school, and asked for our opinions along the way.

Towards recess we came up with the idea that we will have a few meetings through out the day in google meet and she would make videos for us, as well as use our google classroom to paste our assignments in. Finally it was recess and the playground was full of fifth and first graders enjoying time they had with each other for the next two weeks. Lunch time came up and little did I know that it would be our last lunch as fifth graders and Elementary School students.

This day holds a lot of meaning to me because at second recess that was my last time in the Swanson Elementary playground. We packed up some belongings and school supplies thinking we would be back in the next two weeks. Then dismissal time came around and I said goodbye to my teachers and friends not knowing it would be the last time I would see them in person for the next year. When my bus was called I made my way down to the lobby and took a step outside the doors of Swanson Elementary for the last time. I then boarded my bus for the last time as well. A lesson that I learned on this day was, “Enjoy your self no matter who you’re with, even if it’s alone”. This is why the Friday the 13th of March 2020 held a lot of meaning to me.