Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Now, in FNF, you either know what you’re doing, don’t know what to start with(see my blog on mods for that), or you don’t know what you’re doing. So here I am. I’m going to give you some handy hints for when you start this game(but seriously, does anyone even read these?).

Turn on Ghost Tapping

Though it seems small, if you turn on ghost tapping, you won’t get a miss when there isn’t anything to hit. This is useful for these situations:

You: Oh yeah! I finally got a perfect score on >insert really hard song(please don’t say Tutorial)<! OH NOOOO I PRESSED DOWN INSTEAD OF RIGHT AAAAHHHH

Now, it’s very unlikely this will happen, but if you’re a perfectionist, this is probably a handy hint.

Some Mods(and FNF Itself) Drain Your Health If You Get A Bad Rating

Now, if you don’t want to get blueballed(you won’t understand until you play this game), you’ll probably want to avoid mods that drain your health if you get a ‘Bad’ or the worst rating, called ‘Miss’ in some mods. Do this if you have just begun. Then move on to some harder mods.

Pause the Game(aka Botplay)

If you’re playing Story Mode and just want TO GO TO THE NEXT SONG ALREADY BUT YOU KEEP DYING, or you just need to pause(this means Freeplay too), just press Enter. Here, the game will pause, and you can access Botplay. This is if you’re too lazy to exit your game and go to the Options menu. However, there is a single mod(Wednesday’s Indefinity)where if you press enter to pause, Satan’s head will appear and the screen will say, YOU CAN’T STOP NOW. So press 3 instead. Then it will pause normally. To pause MOBILE FNF(FNF Foned In), press the top left corner.

Bots Aren’t Perfect

Sometimes, if you’re using Botplay on a song where the scroll speeds are insane, the Bot will get a rating less than ‘Sick!’. But it never misses, which is better than you could probably do if you didn’t turn on Botplay.

Creepypasta-Based Mods Are Not For The Faint Of Heart

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look at the Wiki of a mod before you play it. Some mods are based on creepypastas, which may creep the reader out. Some examples are Wednesday’s Indefinity, Vs. Sonic.EXE, and FNF: Elements of Insanity. And if you didn’t like the storyline of these creepy mods, DON’T READ THE CREEPYPASTA IT WAS BASED ON. And don’t read it before your bedtime. It will give you nightmares(or at least traumatize you for life). And if any smaller kids are reading this(even though in earlier blogs I told you not to), if you don’t listen and read the creepypastas before bed, don’t blame me if you go crying to your parents. Don’t play any of these mods(if you don’t listen to me and get traumatized, you only have yourself to blame). But if you’re a fan of creepy things, this may not be the way to go. Play whatever you want. I can’t really make you do anything.

Start with the Main Game

Don’t go directly to the mod. The main game can give you a bit of a challenge, so make sure you can clear that. Week 6(Vs Senpai/Spirit)and Week 7(Vs Tankman)can still give you a bit of a challenge.

Now you have some handy tips and tricks for when you start the game! I hope you actually play and enjoy the game!

By Abby Subedi
