Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Harassment is something that has happened multiple times in our society including, schools, workplaces, and on the streets and is mostly directed towards women. There are three types of harassment physical, verbal, and written. When people think of physical harassment they mostly think of the term “sexual harassment”, sexual harassment is the most common physical harassment. Sexual Harassment is when someone inappropriately touches you against your will. Physical harassment usually starts with the person intimidating, embarrassing, or threatening the victim and making them feel uncomfortable, which then can lead to assault or even rape, this form of harassment can be found anywhere and is the most common form of harassment.

Verbal harassment is when somebody gets harassed by what somebody else is saying to them. This form of harassment can happen in public or private and can include jokes, slurs, mocking, insults, threats, yelling, cursing, name calling, and innuendoes which means a remark or hint usually in a suggestive or disparaging way. Verbal harassment can be found anywhere including work, in public, private, and on the streets. Written harassment is pretty much verbal harassment except it can be found in written form such as text messages, social media, and paper. Written harassment is not as common as verbal or physical harassment but it is still found. This form of harassment also includes, slurs, insults, or threats except it is in written form.

So you might be thinking “why is harassment most found in women?”, or “ is there any proof that harassment is found in women more than men?”. Well yes, a test taken in October of 2017 shows that 81% of women have experience sexual harassment with more women experiencing this everyday. “More than 3 out of 4 women have been verbally harassed”, says NPR. ( As you can see from this website harassment is more common is women than it is in men. This website also shows what the victims do after they have been harassed you can see how many victims have felt depressed or anxious, changed their usual route, changed jobs, ended a relationship or friendship and more. However you can also see how a very small amount of the victims have done something about their harassment such as moved dorms, apartments, or house, changed schools, dropped a hobby, confronted the harasser, or even told someone about their experience. This shows that women are scared to do anything about their experience because they are scared that they won’t seek the right help or their voices won’t be heard.