It was July 16th, 2021, just one week and two days ago! Anyway, my mom was boarding the plane to Nepal, to see my grandmother, she is sick and under COVID-19’s wrath, so my mom went to visit her. Then, after one milllion hours (Actually it did not take that long but it felt like it! LOL), it was time for Mom to board the plane. We all shared our goodbyes and Mom left us. I was depressed, I wanted Mom to stay home! To tell the truth, she is really stubborn, but I still love her. For days the house was empty, no yelling, peaceful actually, but it wasn’t the same.
Meanwhile, back at my house, we had some unexpected visitors, my annoying cousins, Eureka and Aagaman. They were staying over until Mom came home and they were SO annoying. Throwing darts on the basement ceiling, and pointing idiotic things about each other. Really, really, annoying. I just wanted peace and quiet (since I’m the oldest out of me, Abby, Aagaman, and Eureka).
But however, I always let Dad call Mom almost every day. I still miss Mom in Nepal, but I know that she is having fun there! One time, she called me and as we were talking about her mother, she asked me “Want to see where she goes to the bathroom?”. Both me and Abby said “yes”. We got to see where Grandmother….uh……urinates and deficates (phew!). Without Mom, the house is empty! Like somthing is missing, like a unfinished puzzle where you only have one piece missing!
Thank you for listening to this blog, OH! I almost forgot! The answers to the tick quiz are 1:A, 2:B, and 3:C! I will see you next week!
– Nova Subedi