Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 11:53:28 PM

Okay, usually, I would write a blog about gaming, or other aspects of my life, like reading and other stuff that a 12-year old would do. But for this week’s blog, I didn’t have a clue what I should write about, even though there was a lot I could write about. Mario? Nah, I’m so bad at those types of games, I would lose in two seconds. SSBU? I don’t want to talk about the time when I lost to my sister (I now know why everyone hates Corrin). A book I read? I don’t even READ nowadays. Which characters in Smash Ultimate should be downgraded? I’m a Palutena main. But then, it hit me: I’m going to write about WHY I don’t know what to write about. Yaayyy- HEY, I WAS RUSHED.

Liking what to write about

The very first thing I know that people like me like talking about is the things we like. Me, for example, I LOVE Pokémon and Kid Icarus. The reason why is that both are interesting and humorous games (even though I don’t play Pokémon that much and I don’t have a 3DS). Most other people do that too! I actually don’t want to give some examples for this part because there are many YouTubers that DO these things and they practically make weird videos (which I like), so I will not mention these names, for your own safety. Many people talking about memes, because they like the topic. Many people make game reviews, because they like it. I’m not going to judge them, since ALL of us do that.

The stress about blogs

Another thing that does not give me ideas is the stress factor of my life. To reveal the truth, I’m REQUIRED to do these blogs, or else I will have have to write two blogs the week after. It’s so stressful, stressful enough to (as all human beings do) panic, freak out and forget all the ideas you have for a blog, just from that drop of stress. Even worse, if I have anything from school to do, like doing homework, then it makes me feel more stressed, since I have many things to actually get to my comfort zone.

But to be honest, writing blogs is something that isn’t my hobby. A hobby is something you love doing, can do at your own pace, and it’s your decision if you want to do it or not. For blogging, I absolutely HATE it (as you’ve seen), I have only ONE WEEK to finish ONE BLOG, and as I have said, MAKING BLOGS IS REQUIRED EACH WEEK. About the second part of this whole thing, by one week I mean planning, writing, and publishing the blog in ONE WEEK. This gives me no free time during the week.

Do I even CARE?

This section needs no explanation: I don’t care. The only reason it SEEMS like I care about my blog is that my mom scolds me to write a blog before Sunday. But obviously, as a kid, I have OTHER things to worry about at my age, like homework, grades and video games. Of COURSE I don’t have time to write a blog that nobody will READ, but my mom makes me write blogs anyway, and it’s sucking out my free time. But, adults that are reading this just see this blog as comic relif.


– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering