Sun. Mar 16th, 2025 4:57:37 AM

In memory of Walt Disney:  Who brought imagination to life.

Let’s go back in time , to what we all grew up with. My childhood memories include watching cartoon shows and movies animated by the Disney productions. For example, Pinnochio (1940), Bambi (1942) , Cinderella (1950), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Peter Pan (1953), and many more like Frozen and Lion King. I mostly remember watching Disney Princesses along with shows on Disney Channel, Nick JR and Youtube. But Disney has always held a very special place in my heart.  I remember reading Disney books, watching shows, dressing up like princesses, shopping at Disney stores and going to the theme park of Disneyland for vacations.Here, I would like to pay a tribute to the creator of Disney and the characters like Mickey Mouse , Mr Walt Disney, who brought imagination to life. We cannot imagine our fun filled childhood without his creations.

Walter Elias Disney, was an American entrepreneur, animator, writer and voice actor and was born on December 5, 1901 in Hermosa, Illinois.. When Disney was four years old his parents, Elias and Flora, moved to Marceline, Missouri. Walt enjoyed doing art and had a big imagination.When Disney was sixteen, he decided to help fight in World War 1. Since he was very young to join the army, he dropped out of school and joined the Red Cross and drove ambulances. A few years later, Disney decided to be an animator. He animated little show episodes and decided to look back on his childhood and made little Mickey mouse movies/episodes. He had begun a business but it pretty much failed. But Disney wasn’t the quitting type of person, he moved on and began making new characters and all his animations became a huge hit. However, many people couldn’t afford movies or TV like his.  In 1932, Disney decided to start making movies. Since he grew up with fairy tales, he decided to make a movie on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. After 5 years of hard work, he finished the movie and the film was a huge success becoming the top film of 1838. Disney used the money from snow white to make a studio where he made lots of movies and money. Since he was always coming up with great ideas, Walt decided to create a dream place, Disneyland! Coming from all his themes, movies and topics. It had cost 17 million dollars to build that place in Florida. And in 1955, Disneyland opened its doors. Several children enjoyed going to Disneyland and some called it heaven. Disney was so happy he had so many more plans but was diagnosed with lung cancer and he died on December 15 1966 due to cancer related to his smoking. 

Even today, after hours of virtual school and homework, I like to end my day and begin my weekend  by binge watching on Disney Plus. Watching Disney Plus takes me to my imaginary world of magic and happiness. Here I would like to end my blog with highly recommended shows and movies and fun facts about Disney.

My Favorite disney movies and shows.

  1. Frozen
  2. Mulan
  3. Aladdin
  4. Beauty and the Beast
  5. Jessie– 
  6. Pocahontas-
  7. Mulan 2-
  8. Aladdin and the King of thieves-
  9. Cinderella-
  10. The Lion King

Here are some fun facts of Disney

  • Disney was founded in 1923
  • The first Disney character was a rabbit
  • The first disney world resort was in california
  • The Headquarters are in california
  • There was almost a disney ski resort
  • Animated disney movies will be remade. 
  • Mickey Mouse made a cameo in pinocchio
  • All the disney princesses are 15-19 years old.
  • The genies lines were recorded up to 20 different ways for Aladdin.
  • Walt Disney was the voice of Mickey Mouse
  • Walt Disney won many academy awards
  • Disney married one of his employees
  • Disney dropped out of high school
  • Snow White (14) and princess Jasmine (15) are the youngest disney princesses.
  • Princess Aurora is only featured for 19 minutes in her movie. That is why Sleeping Beauty is the most underrated Disney princess.