Mon. Jul 1st, 2024


I’ve made way too many blogs already…

And this will get outdated quickly-

But oh well.

Hi! My name is Abby! You can call me fridaydokifan or Doki!

I’m a future 7th grader at Brookfield Academy(don’t ask. please)and like to do things. Seriously. I find it hard to do nothing.

I like Pokemon, Friday Night Funkin, MikuMIkuDance, writing, reading, drawing, Miitopia, Animal Crossing, etc., etc.

I’m pretty good at drawing. I made some art of RuvStyle-you can have it(don’t reclaim as your own):3.

I like writing and am currently working on a fanfic featuring the Neogang! It’s gone untouched for a while, but I’ll get to work on it(eventually).

Here are some questions I’ve answered so you can get an idea of who I am.

(I found these on the internet)

Who is your hero/idol?

I don’t have a hero. I idolize some YouTubers-Neonight, Sharv, Hexadust, and RuvStyle.

What is your favorite food?

Uh-at the moment, rice and chicken curry. I’m in Nepal and it’s one of the only things I like to eat so…yeah.

What is your favorite book series?

The Witches Throne by Cedric Caballes. It makes me so ANGRY and SAD but IT’S SO WELL WRITTEN.

Who is your favorite YouTuber?

Uh-choose between my idols, I don’t really know.

What is something you want but can’t have?

Oh, man. The only thing? A Neonight plushie. I wasn’t a fan of him while those were in production, but now…OH MY GAH I REGRET IT

Glass half full or half empty?

Uh-it’s a glass.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Very unpredictable and violent human. NO TOUCHIE(with few exceptions).

Do you like humans?

Depends on the human.

What is your favorite color?


What do you do?

I make FNF covers and art. And MMD videos. And…stuff.

I’ll upload something on the official OSP YouTube channel.

What is your favorite letter?


And that’s it. If you want to know anything else, just ask! ^^

My blogs are usually late because my internal clock is dead (case in point).

bye bye :3

By Abby Subedi
