Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Hello again, everyone(if this is the first time reading one of these blogs, please go back and read the other ones, also pretend Amor doesn’t exist in my Bob and Bosip blog)! In today’s blog, we’re going to bring up the man who looks like a skeletal goat but isn’t a goat, Tabi(pronounced tab-EE, tabby, as in, tabby cat)! By know, you know the skeleton for this mod. I tell you about the mod(giving you a full story if I have time), some facts, and the link to play the mod. Okay, let’s get going.

This is a fanmade story, so I jazzed some stuff up, same with the Garcello mod story.

GF opens the door to her room after getting some Cheez-its. “Hey Boyfriend!” she says, smiling. BF looks back at her. “Oh, hey GF.” GF puts both her hands behind her head. “Well, I know it’s been a bit rough these past few weeks, you know, battling a bomb headed guy, battling a TV headed guy who needed a software update, battling an entire band, battling a crazy, Minecraft-loving blue haired weirdo with his shark-toothed friend, getting sucked inside a video game, and other stuff, but…” She holds out one of her hands to BF. “My father’s friend invited me to a restaurant, and I’d like you to come with me! It seems he invited me for something important, and he loves music! I bet he’d love to meet you!” BF cocks his head to the side. “Okay…?” GF looks at him. “Don’t worry! He’s totally okay with us being together!” BF gives her a thumbs up. “Alright then!” GF smiles. “I knew you’d say that! I’ll call a taxi, and then we can go!”

Meanwhile, GF forgot to turn her game system off before leaving. Senpai watches BF and GF enter the taxi and leave. He sighs. “Ah, the fair maiden seems to have forgotten my existence.” He hears a voice inside. “Well, that little blue-haired dwarf did kill you…” Senpai covers his ears. “Shut up! He defeated you too!” The voice inside quiets. Senpai continues to stare out the window. “She forgot to save her game, so it seems that nothing happened. But I have a very clear memory of what happened. He killed me. I still wish to exit this game and get out into the world. That fair maiden thinks she’s quite inntelligent, but she hasn’t noticed all of the obvious signs…” Senpai stops mid-sentence, and grins. “Those two have no idea what they’re in for…”

Meanwhile, BF and GF arrived at the restaurant, but it was no ordinary restaurant. It was GF’s favorite restaurant! GF smiled. “Alright! My favorite restaurant!” BF grinned back at her, and replied, “Yeah, every time you drag me here, you order, like, a million things!” BF looked behind him and his smile suddenly disappeared when he saw a pale white-skinned figure, with gray stripes running down his face, wearing a black eyepatch with a strange white symbol, a snow hat with black stripes on flaps that came down both sides, a gray snow jacket with a black sweater, despite it being early May, black pants, and black snow boots. He had no pupils, just white eyes, half circles. He also was not smiling. Upon realizing he was being watched, the mystery figure ran off. GF elbowed BF gently. “Hey BF, you okay?” BF snaps his head back at her, nervous. “Oh, yeah, sorry, just saw some guy…” GF smiles. “Oh, you were probably just seeing things!” GF frowns again. “Hey, did you notice that all the tables around us are reserved? Pretty weird…” BF shrugs. “Must be a party of some sort.” GF shrugs back. “I guess you’re right. Anyway, it seems that my dad’s friend isn’t here yet. I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back, okay?” BF holds up his hand. “Wait!” he yells, then whispers in GF’s ear. GF smiles. “You want to escort me there? Okay, my prince!” BF chuckles nervously. GF starts walking, talking to BF. “Okay, my love, let’s g-” But then she noticed someone outside the bathroom. She recognized him immediately. It could only be one person. The blue-gray hoodie, the dark pants, the black and gold sneakers… “Tabi?” GF said, uncertainly. “Is that you?” Tabi looked up. His face was a goat skull, floating in the air. Where his eyes should have been were black holes, in an expression of extreme fury. Two yellow four-pointed stars gleamed for his pupils. Staring directly at GF, he growled, “There you are…”

Tabi walks forward, blocking the entrance to the bathroom. GF realizes, a mask of horror on her face. “So it was you… you pretended to be my father’s friend and lured us here… I wondered how my fathers friend knew my favorite restaurant…oh no… Tabi waves his hand. “You are foolish as always.” He turns to BF. “And who is this? Your new boyfriend? Or should I say…” He glares at GF. “New VICTIM?” BF turns to GF. “GF?” he asks. “What-” Then he sees her uncomfortable look he then decides something. He won’t let this guy touch her! “Don’t touch her!” BF shouts. Tabi glares at BF. “Hmph. Impressive work, boyfriend. I’ve been watching you for a long time. I’ve seen the power of your love towards her.” He glares at GF. “You fought that bomb guy. Then that bullcrap crazy zombie(a mod I will never review). But unfortunately-” Tabi takes out a sharp knife. “This is all going to end very soon. Leave us alone, BF, your girlfriend and I need to have a little chat.” As he said chat, he flung the knife, barely missing GF’s head. “Tch. You dodged.” Tabi growls. BF screams, “NO! I WON’T LET YOU TOUCH HER!” Tabi glares at him. “You do realize she is just using you, right?”

Then My Battle plays.

After that, this happens.

Tabi stomps his foot. “Gh!” he screams. “Are you stupid? How can’t you realize that this spoiled brat is just using you?!” BF looks shocked. “What?!” Tabi stares at him. “Yes, using you for her own career success, like she used me once.” He laughs a bitter laugh. “Hah! I used to be a human like you, BF, but she and her father fooled me and took everything from me.” Tabi counts on his fingers. “My trust, my feelings, my love, and my heart.” He throws his hands in the air. “I’ve lost everything!” He turns to GF. “Now look who I am! I used to look like a human! But now, I’m a floating skull with an invisible body, and it’s all her fault!” He lunges at GF. BF stands in front of GF, protecting her from the oncoming threat. “You’re lying!” BF screams. “She’s sweet, kind, and loving! She would never do anything evil like that!” Tabi attempts to shove him aside. “Stop getting in my way you little freak! Let me end this all! Now! I’ll just kill her! You don’t need to be involved!” BF yells back, “NO! I WON’T LET YOU HURT HER!” Tabi sighs. “Alright. That’s it. I didn’t want to do this, but, BF, you didn’t listen. I have no other choice…” He grabs his knife and points it at them. “…But to kill the both of you!”

Last Chance plays, and then this happens:

Tabi chuckles. “Heh heh heh. You’re strong, but you seem to have forgotten, GF…” He pulls out a bomb detonator. It looked like a joystick, gray with a red button on the top. His pupils switch from a yellow to a blood red. “I always have a backup plan!” he yells. Tabi then presses the button, and the restaurant explodes.

BF, GF, and Tabi are all coughing. BF and GF’s clothes are torn. Tabi has a broken horn, and all his clothes are ripped. He still clutches the detonator. BF screams, “GF! Are you okay!” He hears something from near the destroyed boombox. “I’m okay, BF!” Tabi glares at them. “So! You survived the explosion, huh? Lucky!” He begins coughing. “I bet she noticed that I reserved all tables near the explosion.” GF coughs. “Tabi, why?” Tabi yells, “That is because I didn’t want to *cough* hurt innocent people! Unlike her! She will hurt anyone to rise to fame! THAT IS WHY I WANT HER DEAD!” He begins screaming. “I WILL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE THAT PIECE OF CRAP SHE CALLS HER FATHER FEEL PAIN! INTENSE PAIN!” He whirls toward BF and screams, “So GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THIS RESTAURANT BURNS DOWN!” BF holds his arm out to GF. “Aright then. GF, come on-” Tabi slaps BF’s arm. “Ow!” BF shouts. “Why-” Tabi screams, “NO! She is not going with you! She will stay here and die with me!” GF looks at him. “NO! I WON’T!” She screams. BF stands in front of GF, hiding her from Tabi. Tabi stomps his foot. “WHY-WON’T-YOU-GET IT?!” He screams. “She is a monster *cough* gh! pretending to be sweet and cute, but in reality, she is a MANIPULATIVE LITTLE DEMON, WAITING FOR HER NEXT PREY! Her father made him suffer, trapping him in a realm, so that he wouldn’t outshine his foolish little daughter…” His voice trailed off, then came back at full volume. “BUT ENOUGH OF THAT! SHE IS A B-” BF interrupts him. “DON’T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT!” he roars. Tabi takes a few deep breaths, and then says, “Okay…then we will all die here! You, me, and HER!” GF glares at him. “We will survive!” she coughs. Tabi raises an eyebrow(at least, maybe he did. Do goat skulls have eyebrows?). “Oh? Continuing to resist?” He takes a deep breath, then starts screaming again. “Then I WILL KILL YOU ALL! HERE AND NOW! NO ONE CAN STOP ME! YOU PISS ME OFF! JUST DIE!!!”

Genocide(yes, that’s the song title)plays, and here is the made-up ending sequence:

BF runs out of the restaurant, carrying GF. There are screams from inside the burning restaurant. “YEAH! RUN! BUT NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL FIND YOU! DID YOU HEAR ME? I WILL FIND YOU AND HAVE MY REVENGE!!!” The restaurant collapses, and the screaming stops. BF and GF take a few shaky breaths. BF looks at the destruction. “Well, that’s the last we’ll see of him ever again. ” He says. GF nods. “But I wonder what Tabi meant by my father trapping him in a realm…” BF shrugs. “I guess it’s not important.” GF nods again. “You’re right. But now that that’s over…” She clutches BF’s hand. “Let’s go home.” But they are so busy walking home that they don’t notice the yellow stars gleaming from the shadows, and the voice whispering, “It isn’t over yet.”

Pretty interesting, huh? Now some rapid-fire facts about Tabi:

-Tabi is canonically bisexual.

-Despite having a goat skull for a head, Tabi is a human, not a goat.

-Tabi is not a serial killer.

-Tabi cannot take his skull off.

-Tabi doesn’t have a favorite color, but he does like the color orange.

And on that note, here is the(outdated)link to play the mod!


Tabi mod:


-Abby Subedi

By Abby Subedi
