Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Thanks to Chase Kip for the idea for this blog! You can watch his short explained videos on video games on Youtube!


We were back when our angel hero Pit, and the goddess of light Palutena (but you can just call her Palu, for short) took flight once again and have defeated the goddess of darkness, Medusa, once and for all. But then realizing that the true villain of the true god of the Underworld, Hades, was just using her as a distraction. Then encountered another enemy, Viridi, the goddess of nature, who is a neutral character. After Pit defeats the Aurum, Palu then pulls Pit back and tells him that they need to refocus on the actual enemy, the Underworld Army. And then we left of with the next chapter with Pit getting turned into a ring.

As Pit awakens from his slumber, the last thing he remembers is defeating the Aurum (some aliens that were from blog number 5 of this series). And for some reason, the words “Chaos Kin” are stuck in his brain. Then he realizes that he is a ring and accidently possesses a 5 year old. By using the body of the 5 year old and a dog, he then finds his old friend Magnus, who Pit makes Magnus put him on (because right now, he is a ring. More details on that later). And then you play as Pit, but in Magnus’s body, with Magnus’s stats as well. Pit then realizes that he has been in a slumber in a ring, for THREE YEARS (better than Link’s, Link slept for a hundred years), and that Pit for some reason hates humans and Pit has been attacking the humans. But sooner or later that turns out to just be Pit’s body being controlled by somebody, SO WHO CARES? Anyway, they find Pit’s body, defeat Pit’s body, and puts Ring Pit onto Pit’s body and Pit then wakes up and yells that he’s “back in the game”. He then thanks Magnus and asks Palutena for the Power of Flight and for some reason, the Power of Flight is acted upon him, and Pit thinks it’s Palu’s doing.

BUT, then it turns out it isn’t Palutena giving Pit the Power of Flight, it’s VIRIDI that is doing it (note: Viridi is a neutral character (she also is a tsundere))! The goddess of nature tells Pit that Palutena is not only attacking the Underworld army, but is attacking the humans as well. Then there’s Palutena’s cold, frosty monologue scene, Pit then flies right into Palutena’s temple’s invisible BARRIER, which is one reason to paint on your windows, kids! So an angel doesn’t fly into yours😊! Anyway, Viridi pulls Pit back and then they have to retrieve this thing called the Lightning Chariot that will break through the barrier that is protecting Palutena’s temple. After defeating the Chariot Master, who is the owner of the Lightning Chariot, Pit then hops on the Lightning Chariot and breaks the barrier on Palutena’s temple.

Once you switch into Land Battle, Palutena starts acting different than she did in previous chapters, acting cruel to Pit. Then it turns out that when the Lunar Sanctum was destroyed, the “thing breaking free that Pit said was nothing” actually was a parasite called the Chaos Kin, that feeds on souls of other organisms. During the Aurum invasion, GROSS-OUT ALERT, the Chaos Kin made it’s way through Palutena’s body, possessing her in the process. Then, Evil Palutena then put Pit’s soul into a ring and was using it to cause destruction to the humans. When you get through Palutena’s temple, you have to fight Palutena, but you’re not supposed to defeat her, if you do that, quote from Pit “It’s game over for you!”. After you pass the boss fight, Palutena snaps out of the Chaos Kin’s control, but then the Chaos Kin then (GROSS-OUT ALERT!) rips Palutena’s soul out from her back and skitters its way into the Chaos Vortex, the Chaos Kin’s home. Palutena turns her body into stone at the last second, so the Chaos Kin can just get her soul, not her body. Speaking of Palu’s body turning to stone, this is the SECOND TIME IN THE SERIES, BABY!

Anyway, Pit enters into the Chaos Vortex, and completes waves (I didn’t count how many there were) that the Chaos Kin sent to defeat him. But Pit gets help from Pittoo as well (aka Dark Pit from last blogs) and with him, defeats the Chaos Kin, and puts Palutena’s soul back into her body. After Pit and Palutena reunite, the Chaos Kin’s ashes come back to life and tries to drag down Pittoo off the platform Pit and Palu are on, since it can only reform when it possesses another person. Pit then jumps off the platform where Palutena is and begs Viridi for the Power of Flight, despite him passing the 5 minute limit. So Viridi uses the Power of Flight on Pit, whom catches Dark Pit and then Pit’s wings catch on fire, Viridi pulls them back onto the platform where Pit and Pittoo battled the Chaos Kin. It turns out that in the process, Pit’s wings burnt out, and the scene ends with Palutena holding Pit’s limp body, remembering the good times.

Anyway, Dark Pit and Palutena… TEAM UP! Palutena then guides Dark Pit to this place called the Rewind Spring and when Pittoo arrives there, before dipping Pit’s wings in, PLOT TWIST! PANDORA JUMPS OUT OF PITTOO’S WINGS! It turns out Pandora, the source of Dark Pit’s unlimited flying abilities, was actually living in Pittoo’s wings and waiting for the chance to get revived again. Pandora then dips herself into the Rewind Spring, and transforms into her physical form, Amazon Pandora. After defeating Amazon Pandora, Dark Pit dips Pit into the Rewind Spring (I know you are imagining a person dipping a chicken nugget into ketchup) and flies off. Or at least, he attempted to. You see, without Pandora’s power, Dark Pit lost his unlimited flight power, making Viridi pull the dark angel into her care. And at the end, you get to see a happy reunion between Pit and Palutena. Aww, so sweet….

Anyway (why am I using the word “anyway” a lot o my god), Pit and Palutena get ready for the final battle….

MUAH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA! You think I’m going to tell you if Pit wins the battle or not right now, eh? Come back next time to see the results! >:D

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering