Wed. Dec 18th, 2024

Hey there, everyone! So, two days ago, it was my birthday!

….Yes, this event does have significance.

So, out of all the gifts I got, three stuck out to me the most (both from my parents).

What I’m saying is that I finally got Kid Icarus Uprising, complete with a Nintendo 3Ds and a 3Ds charger to complete it.

I’ve been playing the game since I got it, and as I expected: I love it. The characters are likable, the dialogue and plot is witty and the gameplay was easy to understand and use (even though my left hand hurts after playing for a few hours).

….Okay that was a lot, back to the main focus of this blog-

KIE: S&R (Part 7: The Rise of Uprising)



Ah, Kid Icarus Uprising, the canon sequel to the original Kid Icarus.

Medusa has strangely been resurrected 25 years from the first game (Sorry to keep you waiting!) and Pit is once again needed! Seems like he has help with him too…


Pit: (surprised) Lady Palutena! You’re not a damsel in distress anymore!

Palutena: (smiles) I know, right? Some people might have beat me to it though… (looks up at the sky, shaking her fist) DANG YOU, PRINCESS PEACH YOU-

Pit: (sorta terrified) Anyway, you said you were going to help me, but in what way?

Palutena: Well I’m glad you asked! (raises her staff dramatically) I shall give you the Power of Flight on your missions! It will make you fly!

Pit: (beaming) THAT’S AMAZING!!!

Palutena: …..(scared to tell him the downside of the power) Buuuut, afteratotaloffiveminutesyourwingswillburnupandfallsotherearetimeswhereyouhavetodolandbattlesandallSOBYEPITHAVE FUNBEATINGUPTWINBELLOWS!!!!!!!

Pit: Wait wut-

(Palutena pushes Pit out of a gate)


And that’s my explanation for when you start the game for the first time, the game doesn’t let you change the difficulty! Yaaay.

– Nova S

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering

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