Sun. Mar 16th, 2025 3:57:46 AM

In an effort to raise awareness, about our kids either facing discrimination because of their name, color of skin, accent and/or their religion, we continue to listen. This will help us to understand the challenges the kids and our youths will face in their life regardless of their understanding. As they enter the corporate world, what kind of challenges they will face, it is always good to be prepared sooner than later. We will meet every second Sunday of the Month to keep this conversation going.

We will try to find solutions on to how to deal with the discrimination itself.

हाम्रा बालबालिकाले जीवनमा झेल्ने भेलभावका बारेमा कुराकनी जारी राख्नु जरुरी छ । केटाकेटीले हाल सम्म के कस्ता समस्याको सामना गरे र भविष्यमा के कस्ता चुनौतीको सामना गर्नु पर्ने हुनसक्छ। ती समस्याको समाधान खोज्ने कोशीशका लागि ५ कक्षा देखी माथीका भाइबहिनीहरुको कुरा सुन्नको लागी हामी हरेक महिनाको दोश्रो आइतवार छलफल कार्यक्रम आयोजना गर्दै आएका छौं । यदी तपाइका केटाकेटी पनि यस छलफलमा भाग लिन इच्छुक छन् भने यो फारम भर्नु हुन बिनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछुँ । 

धन्यवाद । 

जेनीया सुवाल

We are planning on Google meet on race/racism and nepalese community, kids/youth perspective.

When: Every Second Sunday of the month
Time: 11am CST
Where: Google Meet.
We will send out the link for those who will fill out the form below.

Thank you,
Jeneeya Suwal
Our Sunday Project-Coordinator

We will discuss race/racism. What is Racism? How does it effect our daily life? What can we do? Do you know anyone who has been affected by racism? Where does Nepalese stand on Racism? Kids at Our Sunday Project will give their perspective on Race/Racism. It is geared towards Nepalese Community.
This event is geared towards Nepalese community. It is a listening session for kids. If you can moderate the discussion mention in the comment.