Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Hello Everyone

I hope you are having a good spring break!

I recently wrote a book review for Violets are Blue by Barbara Dee. During my spring break I finished reading another book by the author Barbara Dee. The book is Maybe He Just Likes You. Like I said in my recent blog, the author’s technique is unique. I really like her writing style because she teaches serious topics in an easy reader-friendly way. This is shown in this book as well.

Mila, a seventh-grade girl, is going through a whole lot. Her parents are divorced, so she lives with her mother and younger sister. Unfortunately, her mother has lost her job, so there is more financial pressure on the family. For Mila, stuff at school with the basketball boys is getting awkward. The boys always find reasons to touch her, like touching her green sweater for “good luck.” Things get more uncomfortable when they keep asking her for hugs and touch her inappropriately without her permission. The boys make unwelcome remarks about her clothes and body. Mila doesn’t know what to do. She feels like she can’t count on her friends. Her friend, Omi, is very quiet and absolutely hates drama and confrontation. Max is too busy with his new crush Jared, and Zara is only interested in getting the boy’s attention. As things worsen, Mila can’t get the words out that she needs help. Mila feels unsafe in the hallway, band room, blacktop, or school bus whenever she sees those boys. She feels harassed and terrified. She doesn’t know what to do and who to count on. Mila is scared to talk to her teachers or male counselor about the situation. She doesn’t want to trouble her mother by sharing it. Mila is unsure if these actions are flirting or bullying. Mila questions, Maybe he likes you and thinks she is overreacting.

Mila later finds comfort in joining karate classes and gains an interest in martial arts. Soon, she realizes that she isn’t alone and things happening to her are actually sexual harassment. Will Mila find the courage to stand up for herself? Will she find support? Read this book to find out.

The author, Barbara Dee, covers the important issue of sexual harassment in this book. Before reading this book, I knew very little about it, but now it feels like I had stepped into Mila’s shoes. I felt uncomfortable and angry because of many incidents in the book. After finishing the book, I researched sexual harassment in schools. I was shocked to learn that it is common in middle and high schools and can happen to anyone anywhere. Sexual harassment is a series of inappropriate behaviors like sexual remarks or physical actions that are completely unnecessary, inappropriate, and without consent. There are three types of harassment: verbal, physical, and visual. It has negative consequences and isn’t okay. Sexual harassment is a serious problem that needs to stop. It is important to recognize and report appropriately.

I highly recommend this book to all middle schoolers and middle-grade readers.

Please order it on Amazon or the local public library.
I believe that this book should be in all classroom and school libraries.

Take Care, Everyone!