Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

I’m back with more covers boiiiis(NO, I don’t support Amor, again, I made these covers for fun). Enjoy them, and the storyline for the Roasted cover!

Nermal but Bob and Bosip sing it
Gossip but Bob and Bosip sing it
Confrontation but Bob, Bob, and Bosip sing it
Madness but Bob and Bosip sing it

And finally, the ONE cover with a storyline…

Roasted but Boyfriend, Pinkie Pie(DTD), Bob, and Bosip sing it

The storyline goes like this:


Bob and Bosip walked down a sidewalk. Both were still upset due to their mod being deleted. “Geez, Bosip,” Bob sighed. “What are we gonna do now?” Bosip hated to see his best friend(and crush)upset. He put a comforting hand on Bob’s shoulder. Bob looked up, surprised. “Hey.” Bosip told him. “It’ll be okay. We’ve had some tough times now and then, but we made it through okay, huh?” Bob smiled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Then he frowned. “Eeeexcept if you count when we barely made it out alive after Halo…” Bosip drew his hand to his chest, still bandaged and healing. Every touch, every breath, was a shard of glass digging into his skin. He winced, then laughed. “Remember when I took that bullet for you?” Bob looked guilty. “You didn’t have to-” Bosip cut him off. “Of course I did. You were hurt too, remember? If I hadn’t taken that bullet for you, if it had hit you where it hit me…” His voice trailed off, and he blinked back tears. Bob held his hand. “You’re right. We’ll make it through this.” Now it was Bosip’s turn to look shocked. He felt a surge of warmth flow through him. He was also 99.9% sure he was blushing. “T-thanks.” He managed. Then they heard a laugh behind them. “Imagine getting your mod deleted.” A female voice said. “Yeah, imagine.” A male voice snickered. Bob turned around, surprised. Bosip whirled around as well, ready to help his friend at the first sign of trouble. Boyfriend and Pinkie Pie were standing there, smug looks on their faces. Bob looked confused. “What-” Pinkie Pie continued, tapping her hoof on the ground. “Only weak, puny, idiots get their mod deleted.” Bob replied, shakily, “T-that wasn’t our fault!” Boyfriend smirked. “You want to rap, Bob? Don’t feel bad, there are lots of people with no talent!” Bob drew back, hurt “I-” Pinkie Pie grinned and laughed. “I should give you a good kick in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks?” Bob blinked back tears. Bosip snarled. Anyone who made his love cry had to PAY. “Leave him alone.” He snarled, his eyes glowing with anger. Pinkie Pie gave a dramatic sigh. “Oh, what a man, huh?” Boyfriend remarked, “Yeah, the kind of man you’d use as a blueprint for an idiot.” He raised an eyebrow. “Say, how’d you get here?” Bosip opened his mouth to talk, and then Boyfriend shouted, “DID SOMEBODY LEAVE YOUR CAGE OPEN?” followed by lots of laughter. Bosip snarled, “At least I’m not a midget, Mr. 2’7″!” Boyfriend mocked, “Oh, yeah? well how do you think your widdle fwiend will react when he finds out you’re gay, and that you love him like he’s your heart, your soul, your everything?” Bosip felt like his world was collapsing and he was falling through his thoughts as they pelted him. I didn’t want him to find out like this! he thought, his mind racing. Why-why did he have to find out this way? Why? Bosip shook his head, snapping himself back to reality, and spluttered back, his voice shaking,”I’m bi, not gay! There’s a difference!” Bob looked at Boyfriend and Pinkie Pie, then back at Bosip. “Bosip?… What do they mean?” Bosip looked hurt, his closest secret, the one he guarded for years, revealed to the person he had kept it from in the blink of an eye. He gave a pained look at Bob, tears welling up in his eyes. “We’ll talk about this later, okay Bob? I promise I can explain.” Bob looked a bit hurt. “Okay…” Boyfriend said, smugly, “How about a rap battle? Not like talentless foxes(haha TGT reference)like you can beat the king of rap.” Bob and Bosip looked at each other and nodded. They had to teach these bastards a lesson. Bob shouted, “Okay, fine! We’ll send you idiots running back to Ponyville!” Bosip leaned against the stereo. “Bring it, kids.”

>The song plays<

Boyfriend and Pinkie Pie looked shocked. “How did we- How could we-” Bob looked down at them and said, dryly, “Imagine losing to a weak, puny, idiot.” Bosip couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, imagine.” The two ran away before Boyfriend and Pinkie Pie could come up with a comeback. After they were a few miles away, they stopped running, panting. There was a full moon out. Bob looked at Bosip and asked, “What did they mean by I’m your everything?” Bosip looked embarrassed. “Bob…” Bosip pulled Bob closer. “I’ve loved you for a long time. Ever since we were created. Everything you say, everything you do makes my heart leap. You’re so cute and funny. I really wish you loved me too but…” He chuckled sadly. “It’ll never happen, will it?” Bob looked extremely overwhelmed. “Bosip, I… I have something to tell you.” Bosip looked surprised. “Yeah? What is it, Bob?” Bob blushed. “Well, I just wanted to say that…” He pulled Bosip closer, and there, under the light of a full moon, the two lovers kissed each other. Then it was over. The two looked at each other, blushing. ” Bob smiled shyly. “I…I love you too, Bosip.” Bosip smiled back. “We should probably go home. Bofo must be worried by now.” Bob nodded, and the two walked off together into the moonlight.


Don’t you love happy endings?

That’s all folks! Put any cover requests in the comments!


Bob and Bosip Soundfont:

BF Soundfont:

Pinkie Pie(DTD) Soundfont:

Nermal Nermal Nermallin’:

Tricky Mod:

Secret Histories:

Roastin’ On A Cartoon Friday:

Roasted FLP:

Nermal FLP:

Madness MIDI:

Gossip MIDI:

Confrontation MIDI:

By Abby Subedi
