Sat. Mar 29th, 2025 10:01:01 AM


O-kay, I just had my barah ceremony(it wasn’t fun), so I made some FNF covers and wanted to show them off. So here you go.

Left Unchecked V2 but Hypno and Sharv sing it(I added a lot of slide notes to Sharv’s part and made him a new chromatic with long notes)
Rotten Family but the Neo Gang sings it(aka Hexa, Dust, Sharv, RuvStyle, and Neo sing it, ft. Lylace and Rayna, probably gonna get a rework, I made corrupted chromatics for Rayna and Sharv)
I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DOOOOOOO: Overworked but Abby(me)sings it(corrupted chromatic test)
WarioHed: Apparation but Mario and Abby(me)sing it

Aaand here’s a special cover! I hope you enjoy it!


It’s February 10th. Neonight is casually hanging out in his room, listening to music, and scrolling through Twitter.

He sighs. “It’s my birthday, and nobody’s said anything. No ‘happy birthday.’ No ‘wish you a great year.’ Not even a ‘wow, you made it another year without dying. lol, grinning emoji, jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs.'”

He laughed. “Well, what did I expect? They probably forgot. Heh…oh well… there’s always next year…” He put his phone down, curled into a ball, and placed his head on his knees. He tried not to think about it, but it bothered him. Everyone had probably forgotten his birthday.

There was a knock on the door. Neo took off his headphones and shouted, “Coming! One second…”

He paused his music(ironically playing, ‘Dejection’), took off his headphones, and opened the door.


Neo’s jaw dropped. The entire Neo Gang, Sharv, Hexadust, Zynux, Swirl, Zuih, DragShot, RuvStyle, and Fore, were standing there, all wearing party hats. Zuih had a purple party blower and proceeded to blow into it multiple times.

Neo smiled. “Guys…”

Sharv threw his arms around Neo. “Come on, Neo! Did you really think I’d forget my best friend’s birthday?!”

Neo blushed. “I…genuinely thought you did…haha…guess I was stupid…”

Hexa smiled. “Neo, it’s fine. I assume you were upset when nobody told you anything.”

Neo nodded. “Yeah.”

Swirl punched him in the arm. Neo flinched and clutched his arm. “Ow!”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course we wouldn’t forget your birthday. You lead our gang. How could you think we’d forget you?”

Neo rubbed his arm and smiled. “I guess you’re right.”

RuvStyle grinned. “We even made cake.”

DragShot ran out of the room. Once he came back, he held a cake, with black, purple, and blue frosting. It spelled out, “Happy birthday, Neo!”

Neo grinned. “You guys…you guys are the best!”

Sharv held out his mic. “Hey, Neo. How about Hexa and I sing with you? It’ll be so much better than a regular, ‘Happy Birthday,” because you deserve much more.”

Neo grinned. “Of course.”

Hexa beamed. “I’ll pick a good song! Are we ready?”

And the song starts.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEONIGHT! Celebrations but Hexadust, Sharv, and Neonight sing it

I hope you enjoyed!


The Ultimate BF Soundfont:

Celebration FLP:

Apparation FLP:

Overworked MIDI:

Rotten Family VIP FLP:

Left Unchecked FLP:

Vs. Rayna:

Mario’s Madness:

Pibby Corrupted Mod:

Feathery Fight:

Subscribe to Neonight, Sharv, Hexadust, and RuvStyle!

By Abby Subedi
