Wed. Dec 18th, 2024

My dad took me and my sister to test-drive a new car and I was so tempted to ask the car dealer, “What button localizes Mother3 in the USA-“

Idk why, it just seemed like the right thing to do-

Well, what is Mother3(you may be wondering- bonus points if you know what it is-)?

Mother 3 is the third installment of the Mother (or Earthbound) series. If you don’t know about it, that’s okay!


Despite popular demand from fans and many years of waiting, Mother 3 never did get localized/translated in the USA.

It’s still a sore spot for many Earthbound fans (such as myself) who can only hear about the game secondhand.

However, there is a fan translated version of Mother 3 (a ROM hack) that’s been up for a while! (it’s older than I am…)

You can download and play that version. I have yet to do so, and I really want to. (My storage boutta die pal)

The other games, Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound (otherwise known as Mother 1 and 2) are localized in the USA and can be bought and played.

In Earthbound, from what I know, each game has a different main character.

In Earthbound Beginnings, we have Ninten.

In Earthbound, we have Ness.

In Mother 3, we have (my personal favorite) Lucas.

Each character has both companions and themselves to go on a journey to save the world.

And all these characters have PSI, a type of telekinetic power that can be used to attack, defend, and heal.

Each character has a powerful move that can give them the upper hand in battle.

As an example, Ness has the powerful move PSI Rockin (the name is changed based on the prompt at the beginning of the game, “What is your favorite thing?” For an authentic experience, I recommend keeping it as the default); his companion, Poo (YES HIS NAME IS POO DON’T LAUGH HE’S A PRINCE OKAY), knows PK Starstorm (Ness’s Final Smash in all of the Smash Brothers Games); and another one of his companions, Paula, knows PK Fire.

(That name strikes fear into the hearts of every SSB player. In terms of name, PK can be substituted for PSI, and vice versa.)

A word of caution: The Earthbound series has many sensitive themes (ex. survivors guilt, loss, animal abuse, etc.), so tread lightly when playing it.

(You don’t actually need to play the games in order, if you’re wondering, but if you can if you really want.)


Last Day (no clue which version) but Lucas and Ness sing it

This is a cover for my nameless AU (IT DOESN’T HAVE HAVE A NAME BECAUSE I CAN’T THINK OF ONE HELPPPPP), in which Lucas saves Ness by pushing him out of the way of Galeem’s beams, saving him from being obliterated and forced under Galeem’s control.

He screams at Ness (in this universe, the characters turn into pixels as the light slowly consumes them, tearing them apart. It’s a painful transformation and only a taste of the pain they shall go through) to run and save himself (Ness can teleport. This is shown in his entering stage animation for SSBU).

Ness refuses.

He screams and cries, reaching out to grasp his best friends hand, to save him.

But Lucas pulls away.

He knows, somehow, that if Ness touches him, even attempting to save him, they will both fall under Galeem’s control.

Ness saved him from being turned into a statue by Wario, had helped him so much already.

How could he fail Ness again?

Ness, after much arguement, finally teleports away just before a beam of light would have taken him.

Galeem does not notice this immediately. But when he does…

It won’t end well.

So was the end.

All the fighters had been captured.

All puppets of Galeem.

Someone…”The Vessel…


Deep in the World of Light, a boy was stirring…

(This is made even worse due to the fact that in this AU, Lucas and Ness tied friendship bracelets around each others right wrist, promising…

“I’ll always protect you.”


“You can count on me…!”)


2BEEP2MEOW but Ninten, Ness and Lucas sing it (Headphones Recommended!)

This cover was inspired by my sister telling me about a video that she watched in which someone replaced “the worst character” from each franchise in the SSBU roster and replacing them with “a better one.”

Lucas was replaced by Ninten due to being “more well-known/popular.”

So, this cover is on the premises that Master Hand considered kicking Lucas from the roster in favor of Ninten. This does not fare well with Lucas or Ness.

So, they rap-battle Ninten (just kidding, they argue with him. And Ninten is being, as there is no better word for it, a big meany.)

Lucas gets upset and begins to use his PSI, but Ness tells him to calm down.

(Hence the voicelines mid-song I crafted, saying:

Lucas: You don’t even have a proper voice, and you’re “more popular?!” [refrencing how I don’t have and don’t plan to make an AI model for Ninten]

Ness: Woah there, Lucas…)

The crowd starts cheering at the key change (Lucas pulled out his stick and tried to hit Ninten with it because Ninten hit him in the stomach with his elbow), before Master Hand is finally like, “NOPE THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR-” and sends Ninten back to the Earthbound universe.

The thing I like about this cover is how the cheering seems to get more intense before Master Hand says, “GAME!”

Hercules but Lucas sings it (AI Covers) (Original Song by Livingston)



(I find it funny how sometimes Lucas sounds like a normal child, and then he sounds like an older boy-)

(And then you have my AI voice for Ness…who sounds exactly the same-)

I guess this is about Lucas struggling with his memories of his journey, and not wanting to lose Ness, his best friend.

I thought this song fit Lucas, so here you are.

And…that’s all!

I hope you enjoyed these covers; have a good week!


By Abby Subedi
