Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

The 29th of June had finally arrived. It was 2012, and my family was peaceful. That was until… I came in. When I was born, my family became a lot more fun since there was always chaos in the house, otherwise it was completely boring (you can thank me for that, mother). Fast forward 8 years: it is now 2021, and was turning 9 today on the Tuesday of June 29th. Today I invited all my friends, including Aide, Gideon, Mason, and Shaurya, my neighbors Moksha and Vishnu, and my cousins Nova, Abby, and my sister Eureka. We are holding my awesome 9th in Skate Land! I picked this place to hold my birthday party because I can play arcade games there, I also picked this place because I can rollerblade and roller skate but I prefer rollerblading because I think it’s easier than rollerskating because it doesn’t stop when you don’t want to. The cool LED lights also take skating to a whole other level. Not to mention the games you can play such as “Find the corner”, while skating is awesome.

Then when we got there, me and my friend Shaurya went skating first my other friends Mason and Gideon came then we all went skating, then, after a little bit, Mason’s dad came on the floor. Then we skated with him and he also helped Mason skate, and then Shaurya and I were skating together and I fell eleven times then my friend Vishnu came and joined us on the floor. But when he came at first, I thought he was someone random until I saw his face. Then Aiden (another one of my friends) came. After a while, we all started to play arcade games, and my friend Vishnu got 100 tickets from one coin!! Then after a while, it was time to go home, but before we went home, I got 400 tickets for free because it was my birthday, then I got airheads, a top, and a squish ball.