Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

During December 2022, I went skiing for the first time. I was always unsure if I should join the WHMS Ski and Snow board however looking back, I am so glad that I decided to suck it up and join. At 4:00 we arrived at Alpine Valley, shocks of nervousness went through my body as I left the safety of the warm bus. My friend and I immediately went to rentals, eager to start skiing, it had to take us at least an hour to figure out how to hold all of the heavy gear and learn how to put them on as well.

Once we were able to make it out to the hills immediately my friend started second guessing herself on our way up the belt it took about 20 minutes for both of us to get over ourselves mentally. I peered down to the bottom of the hill seeing the slope and the long way ahead of me and my skis. Shaking I take the initial ski position with my knees bent and body forward I gave myself a slight push with my poles. I was doing it, I was skiing! All of a sudden “BAM” I went to the ground. I fell straightforward skis behind me, poles on the ground nearby. I sat up laughing unaware of the position or the cause of my fall, until I realized that one of my skis came undone. While I fell my right ski became unbuckled while the left one remained perfectly untouched. I composed myself from laughing before picking up my skis and reinstalling them on my feet. I skied down the hill once again this time collapsing at the end of the hill while attempting to stop. I stood up laughing again as I kept going down the hill, getting better each time.

That night at Alpine Valley will always be a day I remember as it started my love for skiing.