Sun. Mar 16th, 2025 4:37:53 AM

As some of you may know, I’m doing a period product drive for my Girl Scout Silver Award Project. A few weeks ago, to get ideas, I went to a period product party, which was collecting period products the party was led by an organization called Milwaukee’s Diaper Mission, I went to the party not only to look for ideas of how I could make people donate to my drive but also to donate some pads to them as well.

Once my dad and I arrived at the party, all of my blood cells turned cold as steel. I was too nervous to talk to anybody there. There was a raffle at the party as well, and you could get tickets just for donating menstrual supplies to Milwaukee’s Diaper Mission. The prizes, however, were a bit explicit. Two of the prizes shown were a poster with drawings full of nude butts, and another showed an illustration of a naked woman. The age rating for the party was 10+(ten years and up), but the prizes at the raffle could make younger kids unsettled (I was feeling a lot of discomfort).

After a lot of hesitation and refusals, my dad was fed up with my silence at the party, so he told a random lady to talk to me about the project. The lady’s name was Jaiden (Jayden?), and after a shy introduction and presentation, Jaiden loved the idea and wanted to show her friend Megan (Meghan?) the project (Megan was/is a member of Milwaukee’s Diaper Mission). After I told Megan everything about the project, Megan loved the idea and promised that she and Jaiden would spread the word about the project. After a note-writing activity, Dad and I left the party, but without saying goodbye to Jaiden and Megan, which makes me feel guilty to this day.

Did Jaiden and Megan keep their promise about spreading the word about my project? I cannot answer this question, since I’m not either of them, and I didn’t keep track of them by email. I hope they kept their word, and if they don’t remember the project (or me in the first place), that’s okay. But I still want to hope that kept their word.

So Jaiden and Megan of the Milwaukee Diaper Mission, if either of you are reading this blog, then I am sorry for leaving your party so abruptly without saying goodbye. The next time you have a donation party, just know that I have a chance of coming to that party and helping with your project as well as you help mine.

Don’t forget to donate to my donation drive!

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering

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