Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

So, I recently got a new game. I’ve mentioned that I love MMD. I had a cringy vocaloid phase as a kid, but only because I would make drawings and similar crap. Well, I’ve gotten back into it. Vocaloids are popular models to use in MMD, due to them being quite well known.

I saw a mention of Project Diva while searching for MMD videos and wanted to check it out. I begged asked my mom to buy it, and eventually, she did! Because I bought some add-ons due to it being a bundle, it cost about 70 dollars. Was it worth it?

Yes. I absolutely love it. And I’m here to tell you why I love it.

The Characters

Obviously. I’m going to be honest-I find Miku’s voice a bit annoying. Even so, the game is cool! If you hate a character, you can replace them(even if not the vocals). The main modules featured in songs are Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, MEIKO, and KAITO, however, there are some other characters like Kasane Teto and Akita Neru. I usually do this with Miku and replace her with Kagamine Len or KAITO(Not kidding-his name is spelled like that in the game. If you’d like to go with his fan name, it’s Kaito Shion.). If you think the outfit doesn’t fit the song, have no fear! You get VP if you play through a song successfully. If you get the “Not Clear” rating on a song, you’ll only get 10 VP. Although the game has a Teen rating, the game is fine if you’re a few years younger, as the more explicit modules cost more VP. Most of the swimsuit modules are 3000 VP(You get around 350 VP for completing a song on Easy, and one of Len’s swimsuit modules costs 700 VP. It’s okay though, as it isn’t revealing.), and other questionable modules are 700-900 VP(Example-Kaito’s Cyber Cat Module). Miku may have the most modules, but the other modules have some better designs(I lied. Miku’s designs are pretty cool. But hey, we got Kaito, Len, Rin, etc.) Every song has a recommended module for songs they star in(Example-Ashes to Ashes has Kaito’s Requiem outfit as its recommended outfit). This will take your gameplay experiment to the max. However, sometimes this is not the case. For “Erase or Zero”, I prefer to use Len’s Stylish Energy L module, and Kaito’s High School module(it may have a different name). For Wintry Winds, both recommended modules are good, but I love to use Meiko’s Graduate module and Kaito’s High School module. If you love a character, you can make all the modules them, if you wish! I did this with Len. It was FRICKIN’. HILARIOUS. Take a look.

For the songs with 2D animated videos, an alternate module is not needed. KAITO, Miku, and Len have the best songs(in my opinion), so go check ’em out! Keep in mind, you can change the vocals for some(not all)songs! Examples are “Sing and Smile”, “Piano x Forte x Scandal”, and “Snowman”. If you’d like to hear your favorite song with your favorite Vocaloid(this is entirely possible, as Miku takes most of the songs), there are fanmade covers you can listen to on YouTube!

The Music

Duh. It’s a rhythm game! Of course, the songs have to be good! Some of my favorites are “Two Faced Lovers”, “Snowman”, “Knife”, “Decorator”, “Senbonzakura”, “Ashes to Ashes”, and “Sing and Smile”. If you want some easy songs, then I recommend “Snowman” and “Ashes to Ashes”. Each song has a challenge rating, so you should start with the songs rated 1 or 1.5. 3 is also a good difficulty. Once you feel confident, you can move up to Normal. Then Hard. Etc., Etc.


The intro is an MV(Music Video)all on its own! It showcases Miku traveling the world with her Vocaloid friends. The intro can be skipped, but watch it at least once! Take photos if you want to(you can’t take videos in this game).

That’s all!

Play this game! If you love anime, music, and rhythm games, this is for you!

while you’re at it buy pokemon shield


By Abby Subedi
