Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Yep, I might be known for giving good info about games, but has that info ever UPSET or RUIN everything about games. For this blog, I decided Animal Crossing: New Horizons, since the game is really popular, there is a relative amount of things that might actually ruin the game for people that are really devoted to the game, and who also like messing things up with it.

So will these things ruin Animal Crossing for beginners and beyond? LET’S FIND OUT ;)!

Trash Islands

In every single trip on an island, there is always a chance that you get the worse type; trash islands.

These infamous types of islands always have a connection with fishing. Why you ask? It’s because of the fact that the only thing you get from those types of islands from fishing are tires, cans, and, if Bunny Day is coming up, water eggs. No matter how hard you try, you won’t get a single fish, not even a horse mackerel. And even worse, you can’t glitch your game where you can’t get trash islands.

Town Tune

We all know about the town tune, we can change it to be a random tune we made up, we can find a video game song we like and post it as the town tune, OR we can just take a stupid meme song and break copyright laws. There are also these popular videos that show Isabelle saying to certain town tunes “That sounds awfully… familiar.” to songs like the Russian anthem and Lifelight from Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. The reason why this happens is that the person, before adding that tune in, actually used that same tune ahead of time and changed the tune again. That way, Isabelle will just state that the tune was familiar since the person used it before.


Happy gaming?

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering