Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Hey everyone! I finally found a good mod to review and make a story about(but help me), and today, I’m reviewing the FNF Cloud mod. This mod is very cute, and you should really play it(imma give you the link of KBH Games at the end of the blog)! Anyway, onto the story!

Boyfriend and Girlfriend are walking together. Boyfriend holds in his hand a game, specifically, GF’s copy of Hating Stimulator. Girlfriend smiles at Boyfriend. “Boy, I’m glad that we got out of that game alive!” Boyfriend smiles back. “Yeah.” he sighs. “Now we can just throw this dumb game away and-” A squeaky voice interrupts them. “WAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!” It shouts. BF and GF turn around and see a girl with pink hair, an oversized periwinkle T-shirt. a loose pink tie, a navy skirt, white socks, and blue shoes. “PLEEEASE WAAAAAAIITTTTTTT!!!” Boyfriend and Girlfriend looked at each other, confused. The girl runs up to them, panting. “Hi!” The girl pants. “M-My name is Cloud! Is that Hating Stimulator?” BF and GF exchange looks. “Yeeeeeess…” Boyfriend says, hesitantly. Girlfriend interrupts. “But we’re throwing it away becau-” Cloud interrupts GF. “BUT YOU CAN’T THROW IT AWAY!” She shouts. “THAT’S A LIMITED EDITION COPY!” She pauses and holds up her second finger. “You can tell because Senpai’s left eye is green.” She keeps talking. “He’s heptochromic! Oh, did you know Senpai’s of Japanese descent? He’s so hot! I-” BF calmly interrupts her(boi just let everyone talk). “Look kid, I’m sure you’re harmless, but-” Cloud grabs BF’s leg. “NO PLEASE!” Her face then lights up. “I KNOW! LET’S HAVE A SONG BATTLE! WHOEVER WINS KEEPS THE GAME!” Boyfriend sighs. “Alright, kid…”

Cloud plays, and then this happens.

Cloud looks like she’s about to cry. “But…but…” She sniffles. “I can’t lose. BF puts his hand on her shoulder. “Look, kid.” He says. “I know you really want this game, but… it’s got a dangerous curse cast on it. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Cloud smacks his hand. “Ow!” BF exclaims. “What was-” Cloud glares at him. “You just hate me because I’m annoying. And on my birthday of all days- wait.” She looks at nothing like she just realized something. “MY PARTY!!! I’M GONNA MISS MY PARTY!!!” Cloud screams. BF and GF look at her. “Your…party?” GF asks. Cloud falls to her knees. “PLEASE MR BLUE GUY! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” BF looks at her and sighs. “Look kid, I’d love to give you this game, but I really can’t just-” Cloud cuts him off. “FINE!” she screams. BF and GF look at her, bewildered. “Fine.” Cloud mutters. “If you aren’t gonna give it to me…” She lunges towards BF. “I’LL JUST TAKE IT!”

Rain plays, and then this happens.

Cloud snatches the game out of BF’s hands and runs to her house. She bursts in, shouting. “HEY EVERYONE! I FINALLY GOT IT! LOOK WHAT I… got…” Her voice trails off. Nobody’s there. “Where is everybody?” She asks. “The invitation said 2 pm…” She shrugs. “Hehe! Probably traffic. I’m sure everyone’s coming.”


“2 hours late…”

>timeskip timeskip<

“3 hours late…”

Cloud sighed. “I can’t believe nobody came to my birthday party. Is it because I try to distract myself with a pointless television?” She falls facefirst onto a beanbag. “All I do is surround myself with romantic stuff so I can try to find the real thing. I guess it’ll never happen…” A pixelated voice comes from the TV. “Oh dear, that’s not true!” Cloud looks up at the television. She sees a familiar handsome teenager on the screen. Cloud gasps. “S-SENPAI?!” Senpai grins. “That’s right, fair Cloud!” He then mutters, “That ugly, stupid, blue midget on the street corner you rescued my game from what indeed afflicted with a curse.” Cloud runs around the room screaming, “OMG! OMG!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Inside Senpai’s body, inaudible to Cloud, Spirit remarked, “Jeez, no wonder nobody showed up to her party.” Senpai hits himself in the chest. “Say, little miss Cloud…” He holds out his mic. “Before my game is wiped from existence(like two certain lovable bois☹️), how about one last song? For the birthday girl!” Cloud immediately picks up her mic. She screams, “THIS IS THE BEST 15th BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!!” Senpai smiles. “Well, let’s start, I don’t have a lot of time left!” Spirit says, “Wait did she say fiftee-“

Silver Lining plays, and then this happens.


Senpai go bye-bye and Cloud get sucked in game.

Cloud looks around. “Huh? Where am I? Who are you-” Spirit interrupts her and says, “Greetings, mortal being. You were unwise to ignore the warning of the boy whom you stole this game from.” Cloud finishes her sentence. “-And why do you look so ugly?” Spirit replies, “Ok, I hate you.” He then gets into his anti-hero role. “YOU SHALL PERISH BENEATH MY HEEL!” Cloud says, “Bruh you have no heel-” Spirit continues. “YOU SHALL TREMBLE AT THE MERE MENTION OF MY NAME!” Cloud thinks of this for a minute. She then replies, “Nah.” Spirit make a crybaby face. “Wh-what?”

Hurricane plays, and then this happens(i made the ending up :3)

Cloud is thrown out of the game. “Oof!” She blinks, disoriented. She looks at the TV, then at her game controller. She takes a deep breath, then says, “IMMA DO IT AGAI-“


here’s the mod stuff okie bye

Cloud mod:

Tug O’ War mod(with Cloud):

Oh and here’s a random Cloud meme

By Abby Subedi
