Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

HELLO EVERYONE!! It’s been a while since I have interacted with this computer! To confirm, I have started confiscating my computer from myself so I can get better sleep. So if you check my daily activity, I might spend less time on the computer but only on weekends. I also exercise to make myself drowsy. Anyway, we’re going right to the fun stuff today!

In ELA, I’m learning about the types of poems that people make. One of those types of poems is called a nonsense poem. Here are the directions for the best poem you have ever seen! DO ALL THE STEPS ON PAPER.

First, you are supposed to write a sentence that has a simile and makes sense. Here is my example: The dog was vicious as an angry sloth.

Second, you are supposed to write another sentence that has a simile, but that sentence is supposed to be wacky. Here is my example: The dolphin was like a primogeniture tacky cheese.

Third, you are supposed to write about the wackiest dream you ever had. Here is my example: I was in the military for kids and everyone thought one of my favorite video game characters was Kesha and I bought a gun.

Lastly, you are supposed to write about a feeling you have about a event and your reaction to that event. If you don’t get what I mean, here’s my example: People that never take me seriously make me turn into my dark side and strangle them to unconsciousness.

Now cut up every word in all of those sentences and scramble them together and attach them together. It should end up being nonsense. Here’s my example:

Seriously me gun as

That bought my people

Kesha primogeniture me dark

Was game favorite and

A take video never

Was make my I

The military to dolphin

For turn to characters

I in the was

Thought kids and of

One was vicious everyone

Unconsciousness the like a

Tacky cheese strangle want

And them side into

An dog angry sloth.

Now, for everyone that loves classics, I have a book to recommend you all, because I read this book, and IT IS AMAZING.

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien is about a hobbit (a human-like creature that can live longer and can live underground very well) named Bilbo Baggins. He is then confronted by the legendary wizard Gandalf the Grey, who tells Bilbo to join a band of dwarves and him to slay the dragon Smaug the Magnificent (and he can talk, every single creature except ponies, which is what they call horses). Along the way, Bilbo discovers things about himself that he never knew about. And this leads to a ring that the former hobbit Gollum guards as his “birthday present”…..

See you all next time!

– Nova S

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering