Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Today I went out of the Rock-type gym, proudly displaying my Rock badge. Now Pokemon up to Level 80 will OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND!MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! One catch, though. I can only catch Pokemon up to LEVEL *&%^$#^%#$@ 50! WHY POKEMON WHY?! SWEAR SWEAR! CUSS SWEAR SWEAR! Anyway. Upon exiting the Gym, I encountered Sonia! You remember her, don’t you? If you don’t, you REALLY need to read my previous blogs. She congratulated me on my victory, and took me to a steak restaurant called Bob’s Your Uncle(who’s Bob?). Hop was there too(if you don’t remember HIM, then you either haven’t read any of my blogs, or you’ve been living under a rock), but before we could order anything, Sonia saw this tapestry on the wall.

She asked me “What could this be?!” I answered, “Some kind of seal?” It took a while, but Hop and I realized that there were no Pokemon like the ones we saw in the Slumbering Weald and Stow-on-Side(you REALLY need to read my previous blogs). we wondered, but we were also all STARVING, so we ordered something to eat. Afterwards, Hop said he could wrestle a Bewear(Doubtful. I’ve tried that once. Cuddles the Bewear beat me in 5 seconds), so we had a battle. >Elapse time: 1 minute 2 seconds< I win! Again. Yay! We also debated would we rather have a sword or shield. I said sword. Hop said shield. After that, Hop went to battle fat man Gordie again(he hasn’t won yet) and I set off for Spikemuth. After battling a Team Yell Grunt, I obtained a bike that can ride on water. Problem was, it didn’t look cool. So I went to the Isle of Armor and made my bike ‘Glistening Black’, so it looked like I was writing a MOTORBIKE! So then I set off for Spikemuth…

That’s all folks! Next time I blog, I will be asking you a question. So keep your eyes peeled!

By Abby Subedi
