Today Kubfu and I set out, trying to become best friends. But that sort of stuff becomes VERY difficult when HE KEEPS RUNNING AWAY! I had to chase to chase him down, like, what? 25 times? Anyway. We camped, cooked, walked, battled, and had fun together! Then a mystical view made us best friends (I dunno how) and we were ready to face GOOD OL’ MUSTARD!
Mustard said we need to choose from two different towers to evolve Kubfu(DA CUTE WIDDLE FUFFY THING CAN EVOLVE?!), one is the Tower of DAHKNESSSSS(Darkness) and the other was the Tower of (BORRRRRRINGGGGGGG) WATER. I mean, WHAT THE HECK?! THAT’S NOT COOL AT ALL. I mean, BRUH! What tower do you think I chose? I chose the Tower of Water. OF COURSE I CHOSE THE TOWER OF DAHKNESSSSSSS(Darkness)! Who wouldn’t? Anyway, after a long hike, a catch of a Lycanroc, and almost falling of a cliff(don’t ask), I reached the TOWAH(Tower)OF DAHKNESSSSSSS(Darkness)! On all the floors, I had to battle with ONLY my Kubfu, and I battled a Zorua, a Scraggy, an Inkay, a Krokorok, and on the last floor, there was… MUSTARD! He challenged me to a battle, and did a CRAZY FLIP THINGY, BUT HE’S AND OLD GEEZER! I be like: (⊙o⊙)(⊙ˍ⊙)⊙.☉\(〇_o)/(°ー°〃) :-0?! Anyway. About our battle… I CRUSHED MUSTARD! BWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAA! Anyway. Kubfu saw this cool scroll thingy, and EVOLVED INTO DARK-TYPE URSHIFU, PLUS IT LEARNED THE COOL POWERFUL MOVE CALLED WICKED BLOW! And THAT was the end of my Isle of Armor adventure.
OR WAS IT? Before I left the Tower, Mustard said, “Once Abby does what she is meant to do, it will be time for the next step.” By that I think he means become Champion :P.
That’s all, folks! Tune in next week, to see me battle a fat man named Gordie!