Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Today, my Pokémon and I set off for our second battle with Raihan, and our plan was perfect. “Ok guys, we passed the Gym Mission but lost, and we just have to face him. We’re strong and united. You ready for this?” My Pokémon cheered. But I decided to tell Persephone(my Tsareena)one last thing. “Persephone, you’ve proved you can withstand a Crawdaunt’s Max Darkness, and can take it down using Max Overgrowth only. You’ve even proved you’ve learned High Jump Kick, a move hard to master for Machamp. That’s why I’ll use you and Tsunami first! Okay?”(If you’re wondering, Tsunami is my Golisopod. If you’re thinking, ‘Since when have you been giving your Pokémon names?’ Well, since forever, and you should read my previous blogs so this all makes sense. Got that? Okay then.) Persephone happily agreed. “Singe,” I said, “Are you sure you’re ready? You were easily defeated by Duraludon, and I want to make sure you’re ready for this.” Singe gave me a look of determination, and yelled, “Cinder!” to assure me he was okay, and just to prove his point, he picked up a pebble, kicked it five times to set it on fire, then kicked it once more to launch it off into the distance. I watched the flaming pebble until it flew off into the distance. “Okay! You’re showing me you’re ready, aren’t you, Singe?” Singe smiled. “Cinderace!” I knew he was ready. Darkai(my Urshifu) and Glacier(my Mamoswine) were ready as well. “Okay,” I said, “Let’s go!”

The moment was finally here. The confidence I couldn’t find before. The feeling I would win. As I stepped onto the battlefield, Raihan stepped with me, and the battle sparked. Sending out Flygon and Gigalith, I sent out Persephone and Golisopod. Persephone made me proud with a scary strong High Jump Kick, knocking out Gigalith in one shot. Tsunami pulled off Waterfall, knocking out Flygon, and forcing Raihan to send out his two final Pokemon, including Duraludon. Returning Persephone, I sent out Singe, whom I Gigantamaxed. With a G-Max Fireball, a Trop Kick, and a High Jump Kick, the match was over. I had won. I had finally earned the Dragon Badge after weeks of toil. Hop and I left for Wyndon(after Hop had defeated Raihan, which he somehow managed to do in 10 seconds😳😳😳), and Hop, still my best friend, said we were going to have the best match that ever was(exact quote). We stopped at Route 10, and it was snowing! This was going to be a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold trek.

That’s all folks! Please put in the comments of what you want to see in my blogs. Next time, I’ll be trekking to Wyndon, so make sure to check in next time!

By Abby Subedi
