Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

Today I had to challenge da MOTOSOKE GYM, but first, I thought, “Doesn’t Kabu have almost Lv. 31 Pokémon?” So I decided to participate in some raids(y’know, to raise Glacier’s Dynamax level). There was a Budew raid, a Tympole raid, a Metapod raid, and many more that I forgot about. When I was done, I leveled up my Pokémon. Many of them evolved, like Bonbon, she evolved into Meowstic!(I changed my Espurr’s nickname from Mew to Bonbon) Here is the Pokédex entry that I read:

<Females are a bit more selfish and aggressive than males. If they don’t get what they want, they will torment you with their psychic abilities.> Kinda weird… Moving on. I also evolved my Steenee into Tsareena(whom I plan to name Persephone), and taught it Trop Kick. Trop Kick is like this:~ukulele strums~ -kick noise- (Woooo hoo hoo hooooo🤣) Anyway. I evolved Glacier into a Piloswine, then MAMOSWINE (who I put in the graphic), and kept Ancient Power, the move you have to teach Piloswine into Mamoswine. My Kantonian Meowth, Cash, also evolved. Into Kantonian Persian! I taught it Power Gem. Then, after powering up the rest of my Pokémon, I decided I was ready to challenge the Motosoke Gym, and walked in to the Gym Challenge…

The Gym Challenge, which was just catching Pokémon with help from another Trainer. Do they betray you? I ditto (get it ditto like the Pokémon ha ha😁) I just defeated a Vulpix(those are easy to catch), caught a Sizzlipede and a Litwick, and was ready to challenge the Gym Leader KABOO(Kabu sorry). He had a Ninetales, a Arcanine, and a Centiskorch. Problem? They were only up to Lv. 26. Oopsies😁🤭. I used Power Gem 4 times to knock out Arcanine and Ninetales, then swapped to Mamoswine. Cash used up his Rawst Berry(berry that heals a Pokémon’s burn if they eat it)on the first turn though… I Dynamaxed Mamoswine, while Kabu Dynamaxed his Centiskorch. Mamoswine used Max Rockfall(Dynamax Rock-type attack), but Centiskorch had a medium chunk of HP left. It used G-Max Centiferno and it looked like it was the end for Glacier… but it wasn’t! She still had a big ol’ chunk of HP, and used Max Rockfall, and Centiskorch fainted, earning me a FIYAH BADGE(Fire Badge)! Then we went to the Wild Area but not before Kabu came to tell us something. “Wait, you’re the Fire-type Gym Leader and you came all this way to see us off? You can tell I’ll be the next Champion, right?” ‘Actually, no.’ I thought. Anyway. Milo and Nessa came too, by riding Flying Taxis. How do I know? Because Nessa said, “Phew, we made it! Thank goodness for Flying Taxis!” Then he gave us a lecture, and sent us off with a chant. He said, “Hustle it, Hustle it, Hop! You can do it, you can do it, Abby.” Uhhhh… Then we ventured into the Wild Area, with Bede there. He was talking trash to Hop, and said he’d battle him, just to prove how weak he was. Then Hop is like, “I’ll show this wally my real skills in battle. Go to Hammerlocke, Abby! We’ll meet up when I’m through with him!” Oh, and if you were wondering, here is the definition of wally:

-(ˈwɑli ) nounWord forms: plural ˈwallies. British, Slang. a foolish or ineffectual person- Anyway, I decided to pause there, so I closed the game.

That’s all for now! Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any of the action of battling the Gym Leaders!

By Abby Subedi
