Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Okay, so…

I went back and read my old series: PokéBlog.

Needless to say…

The wild Cringe used Hammer Arm!

It’s super effective!

Abby fainted!

Yep. That bad.

To be fair, that was two years ago and I’ve changed. But still…

It wasn’t the topic that shocked me-I still LOVE Pokémon Sword and Shield-it was the writing.

It was terrible(just like Pokemon Legends Arceus [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] ) and the tone was obNOXious. Heck, the story was just…ew.

I’m probably gonna look back in two months and say: “Woah, this thing I wrote that was meant to be a remaster? It’s crap.” But anyway…

I took a PokéBlog that could be improved and decided, “What if I remastered this?”

That PokéBlog was “PokéBlog: Rose Is My Least Favorite Flower/Finally!” (read it before reading this…)

There’s missing context in this remaster-so I can fill you in(please note: the remaster is a mix of both Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield-but if I continue the remaster, I will obtain Zacian). This context signals the start of this remaster.

This will be long-so you’re gonna have to READ!!! Ha ha!!! Go touch grass!!!

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this remaster!

I, Abby, age 13(story-wise only, to balance out the ages between Bede, Hop, Marnie, etc. All rivals are 13, Allister is 9, and Piers is 22)decided to travel through the Galar region to challenge the Champion-Leon! With my rival, Hop, we’ve made many memories-we’ve gone to the Slumbering Weald to save a Wooloo, witnessed the destruction of the Stow-on-Side mural, camped together, made curry, and helped each other through occasional bouts of depression(eh…that was mostly me to Hop-poor kid. Bede wrecked him…).

We befriended Marnie, who wants to bring fame to Spikemuth, her hometown. It wasn’t recognized due to not having a Power Spot to Dynamax/Gigantamax. Number 713(me), Number 189(Hop), and Number 960(Marnie) would be revered as some of the strongest Gym Challengers in that Champion Cup.

During the Gym Challenge, I made friends with the silent boy of mystery-Allister. Our friendship started when a strong wind had blown his mask off his face-nobody had given it to him because they wanted to see his face. He had been hiding in the shadows for the past fifteen minutes. I gave it back to him, and he thanked me before giving me a hint about his Gym Challenge: “I-If you’d like to pass easily… you’d do well to seek…the tentacles.” He then ran off.

Marnie was angry at me(Hop came later), thinking I had only done it to get a hint in the Gym Challenge-but I’d never seen Allister before. During the opening ceremony, his introverted nature caused him to hide behind Bea, so I didn’t see him. Every time he had an exhibition match with Leon(which was fairly rare), I missed it and Hop would want to watch Leon’s exhibition with Raihan instead. Marnie realized I was telling the truth and apologized. We didn’t know what he meant…

Until the Gym Challenge. I saw a pair of tentacles and maneuvered the cup toward them. The tentacles grabbed the cup and flung me to the stadium entrance. According to Marnie, she didn’t find the tentacles, and all her Pokémon were almost knocked out by the strong Gym Trainer guarding the exit(if you’re wondering where Bea is-we had to pick slips of paper from a basket. Marnie and I got purple wisps on ours for the Ghost-type gym, while Bede and Hop got orange fists for the Fighting-type gym. And no, we’re not friends with Bede yet, we had to open our slips of paper at the same time). Allister had helped me. Bea told me that Allister didn’t do that, so he must’ve considered me a good person.

When I defeated Allister, he caught up with me while I was leaving the stadium and asked, “W-Why did you help me…? Earlier? Y-You didn’t want to see…my face?”

I replied, “Honestly, I’m curious about what’s under that mask.” Allister flinched. “But what those Lasses and Trainers did…it appalled me. It’s just…wrong to ignore someone who needs help when you could easily solve their problem. Everyone needs a hand now and then.”

I grasped his hand. “So we have each other’s backs! I’ll help you when you need it.” I gave him a slip of paper. “Just give me a call, okay?” Allister had gone silent for a moment before smoke spewed out the holes of his mask.

I yelped. “Allister?! Are you okay?!” He’d trembled, then sniffled, “T-Thank you!… N-Nobody’s ever been so…k-kind to me before…” I’d comforted him before setting out to Ballonlea(before that, the Mural incident…), and we’d become friends after something shocking(more on that later!)

Afterward, in Spikemuth, I’d befriended Piers, the Dark-type Gym Leader.

Piers was the “leader” of Team Yell-but as it turned out, he didn’t consent to many of the things they did(shutting down Spikemuth, attacking other Gym Challengers, etc.). He’d said that it was his fault Spikemuth was in such a bad state(in my opinion, the vibe is great).

I told him I liked the town, and he responded with a soft smile. I beat him with a lot of effort and told him, “Hey, Piers? People may not like Spikemuth, but personally? I love this town. You’re a great person, a strong Gym Leader, and I’ll always remember this town. Call me if you need it, okay?” He’d smiled and nodded.

While training to beat the Dragon-type gym, I’d visited him a lot, and we became closer. Piers even told me his backstory(this part is NOT canon to the games-I wrote the PokéBlogs taking place in an AU-the PokéBlogs were fanfic).

To sum it up: Piers used to smile a lot more and was much more shy. His parents loved him, and Marnie was more sensitive. His innocence was steamrolled when one day after Piers defeated the Hammerlocke Gym, he fell ill along with the rest of his family.

He told me, “I didn’t know what that illness was called, but I called it Plague2. Because that was the number of people it took from me…two.”

He also said, “I was ‘lucky.’ I got the least severe version of the sickness. Even then I barely survived…it felt terrible. My parents got the brunt of it…I can only imagine what they went through.”

The day before the Champion Cup, both of Piers’s parents died in front of him. He’d sworn to win the Champion Cup and promised his parents he would attend it, no matter how heartbroken he was.

But his mind wasn’t for a Pokémon battle.

He lost.

His childhood friends, Leon and Raihan, also participated in the Gym Challenge, and Leon told them that he was the new Champion, while Raihan announced one day he’d challenge the Dragon-type Gym Leader and take their place.

Piers was still upset over the loss of his parents and was blinking back tears. Leon teased him by saying, “Don’t be a baby!” But upon realizing how upset his friend was, Leon apologized and asked if he was okay. Raihan put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but Piers snapped like a twig.

“Lookin’ back…” he’d sighed, “I regret what I did. Leon and Raihan meant well…I was just…upset.”

He’d snapped, shook Raihan off, and yelled, “NO! I’m not okay! Arceus has decided to toy with my life, I’ve just gone through somethin’ you could NEVER imagine, and WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?! SMILE AND GO ON WITH LIFE?! LEAVE ME ALONE!”

He’d run off sobbing. Piers was then appointed the Dark-type Gym Leader at age fourteen since his dad was…well…gone. His Pokémon tried to make him happy-his Linoone even evolved into Obstagoon-but nothing worked.

Piers was taking care of Marnie, who was sick with Plague2-and got the brunt of it. When it looked like she would die, he had sobbed, “Arceus, you’ve toyed with my life enough. Spare the one person I have left…the one person I can live for. Please.”

Marnie survived, and to sum it up: Piers went through a lot of crap afterward. He made up with Leon and Raihan, don’t worry.

Our bond had gotten stronger after that-something I would need when the next thing happened.

I lost to Raihan. Real bad.

The realization almost broke me-my first loss.

I’d yelled that I wanted to be left alone-and my mom took that a bit too seriously.

Nobody had called me, I hadn’t gotten any visitors, and zero letters. I was too lethargic to go find them-or why they didn’t come.

One day, my mother went to answer the door after the doorbell rang. I was sitting on the couch in my great sulk, and Munchy, my mom’s Munchlax, was sleeping on the rug.


A small voice muttered, “H-Hi…”


Munchy woke up and leapt for the door. “MunchLAAAAAX!!!”

The same voice yelped, “M-Ma’am! C-Compose yourself! I only-ack!!! G-Gengar, help!!”


I slowly slunk toward the doorway and peeked from the corner of the wall. My mom was standing in the doorway, and a Gengar held Munchy at arm’s length.

“P-Please! Ma’am!…I…I just want to talk to Abby!”

Does someone want to speak to me?

“Mom.” I sighed. “Who is-?”

I paused. Allister was cowering behind his Gengar, who in turn was protecting him from Munchy’s onslaught.

“Mom.” I hissed. “Let him in.”

My mom looked at me in shock. “Sweetie?!”

“Just do it.”

With great reluctance, my mom stepped aside to let Allister in.

We sat on my bed, two feet apart, and in awkward silence, until I blurted, “Why hasn’t anyone come to see me?”

Allister looked up in surprise. “W-What?!”

I repeated, “Why hasn’t anyone come to visit me? Is it because they didn’t notice I was gone?”

Allister looked genuinely shocked. “O-Of course not! A-All the Gym Leaders have been worried since you ran crying from the stadium. Even Raihan feels remorse…and he physically can’t feel remorse. Bede is worried too…h-he just won’t admit it.”

I laughed bitterly. “So that’s why they haven’t come to visit?”

Allister shook his head so hard I thought it would fall off. “N-No! All of us have tried calling you, but you didn’t pick up! We were so worried…”

He continued, “A-And Piers tried to visit you too! He came back with a nasty bite on his leg…used some foul language…h-he said a Munchlax attacked him…H-Hop tried to visit too! Wooloo pushed him away. N-Nessa told me that a Masquerain can cause cell calls to be blocked…m-maybe that’s what happened?”

I groaned. “My mom must have taken ‘Leave me alone’ too seriously…but why’d you try to visit, then? If you knew you’d be pushed away…”

Allister looked at the floor. “W-Well, you said…we’d always have each other’s backs…b-because that’s what friends do…and we’re friends…right?”

I blinked once. Then tears filled my eyes. “A-Allister…that was only supposed to apply to me…y-you didn’t have to…”

Allister did a tiny fist pump with both hands. “I did. We’re friends. Good friends are always there for each other! N-Now go and challenge Raihan! You’ll win for sure!”

I nodded. “Alright!”

Then Allister did something that would stick with me forever. He took off his mask, closed his eyes, and grinned. “You’re super strong!” he laughed. “You can do it!”

And I did.

Now I sat in the warmup room of Wyndon Stadium, staring into space and taking deep breaths. These were the finals. If I screwed up now…there would be no going back. All this would be for nothing.

“Hey, Abby…” Piers asked softly, “You alright there?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Just thinking.”

Piers sighed and knelt next to me. “Y’know, it’s okay to feel fear…what matters is how ya handle that fear. You can use it to burn bright or to shrink down. Got that?”

I nodded. “Thanks, Piers.”

Piers put a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it-a brotherly gesture that made my heart go MMMP-

[ERROR 404]

Piers put a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it-a brotherly gesture that made my heart beat faster.

“Good luck out there.”

He walked out, and after psyching myself up one last time, I followed him out.

I looked around and saw that Hop and Marnie were in the stands. Hop was waving furiously and grinning like a madman. Marnie was waving to a lesser extent. My mom had promised she’d come to the Champion match-for now, she’d watch on our TV. I was happy to know that someone had my back. I looked to my left and saw Allister. He looked like he was trying to shrink into the stadium floor. I waved to him, which almost scared him out of his skin. He caught himself and gave a quick wave back.

The announcer shouted, “Only some Gym Leaders and one challenger remain. Let the finals begin!” That got many cheers from the crowd, and even Allister nodded.

Suddenly, Piers’s pupils darted to the right and he gently elbowed me.

“Hey,” he asked, “What’s he doin’ here?” I turned to see Bede, looking furious, stomping across the stadium floor. Whispers flooded the crowd, many of them saying, “Who’s he?”. I saw an angry-looking Hop and an uneasy-looking Marnie staring down at me. Their expressions clearly stated: Why IS he here?! I shrugged.

Bede rolled his eyes. “Ugh. Does anyone remember me?” He then turned to me and snarled, “Thanks for ruining my life, Abby.”

I was appalled. “What?! How did I ruin your life?”

Bede glared at me. “You don’t know what I’ve been through-dressed in pink, taking stupid quizzes-all because of you.”

I gave him my best death glare. “You destroyed the mural on your own. Don’t blame me for it.”

He glanced at the floor, blinking back tears, and whispered, barely audible, “It wasn’t on my own.

I could feel my eyes go wide. “What?”

Bede snapped, “Why do you care?! You’re everybody’s golden girl. If I lose this battle, I’ll retire from being a Pokémon Trainer.”

The crowd gasped. I shook my head. “Bede-“

Bede pulled out a Pokéball, and I saw he was crying. “Just battle me.”

I quickly mowed down his Pokémon with Singe, and when the battle had ended, I saw his face and realized he didn’t want to retire-there was some other reason why he’d challenge me…

Then someone in the crowd shouted, “Don’t give up, Bede!”

Very slowly, the crowd(except Marnie and Hop-Hop looked furious, and Marnie looked confused)began chanting, “Bede! Bede! Bede!”

Bede finally realized that he’d have to keep going as a Pokémon Trainer. He scowled. “I was going to use retiring as an excuse to get away from that crazy old lady…thanks a lot, Abby.”

He had just turned away when I blurted, “You don’t have to act like this.”

Bede turned around in shock. “What?”

I kept going, not knowing where the words were coming from. “Listen. Just because your life has been terrible doesn’t mean you have to act that way. You were manipulated-I don’t blame you for what you did. Just…try to make things better, okay?”

Bede slightly blushed before turning and exiting the stadium.

The finals were a blur. Nessa, Allister, Raihan…I couldn’t remember much from the battles. All I remembered was one line from each opponent.

Nessa: “Hopefully we can battle again…maybe even side by side.”

Allister: “N-Nice job, Abby…go and win your battles!”

Raihan: “Piers almost defeated my Gigantamax Duraludon…it surprises me how strong he’s become.”

Once I exited the stadium, Leon and Hop were waiting for me. Hop grinned. “Marnie had to go, but she said you did great! Managing to pull off a win with Bonbon against Gengar…I didn’t know she knew Shadow Ball!”

I laughed. “Yeah. She’s super strong…maybe I should rename her…I don’t think she likes being called Bonbon…” In response, Bonbon’s Pokéball vibrated and sent a shock up my leg. “Ehh…yeah, she hates it. She gives me this dirty look every time I call her…Do you think Nyx or Celeste would be a good name?”

Hop shrugged. “I like Celeste. What do you think, Lee?”

Leon grinned. “Definitely Celeste. Nonetheless, great job, Abby!”

I smiled. “Thanks, Leon.”

Leon winked. “In fact, why don’t we get dinner to celebrate? Get whatever you want! It’s on me!”

Hop grinned. “Okay. Just don’t get trash takeout. I wonder what I’ll get-“

“I’ll get ramen,” I said quickly, “unsweetened iced tea, and maybe a malasada, I dunno.”

Hop laughed. “You’re so simple, Abby.”

I shrugged. Leon smiled. “Alright, I’ve just gotta do something and we’ll be off. Wait for me at the hotel, okay?”

Hop grinned. “Well, this shouldn’t take long!”


Hop was pacing in the lobby, and I was watching him as Celeste(previously Bonbo-ow, ow, OW, DO not scratch me, get back in your-OW, I’m NOT changing your nickname back, I was just mentioning it so the reader doesn’t get confused-OH MY GOD, Celeste, STOP-)groomed herself.

Hop moaned. “Dear Arceus, where’s Lee? I’m starving…”

I scratched Celeste behind her ears as she purred affectionately. “I don’t know. Well, Celeste isn’t murderous yet…or that’s because I’m petting her. Oh, she’s hungry, just happy she isn’t called…uh…that thing.” I paused as Celeste gave me her ‘I will kill you in your sleep’ glare before finally realizing I wouldn’t say her old name and went back to purring. I sighed. “What could take Leon three hours to complete?”

Hop gasped. “What if he was kidnapped?! He could be in trouble! We have to go find him!”

I nodded. “You know what? Let’s go find him. Celeste, return.”

Celeste, thrilled at the sound of her new name, obeyed. I stared at her Pokéball. “She really hated that name, huh?”

Hop nodded. “ProbablAAAAAAAGH!”

That part was because there was a hand on his shoulder. He whirled around-and almost decked Piers in the face. Piers blocked the fist with his hand(he caught it).

“Geez!” he sighed, “It’s just me! Don’t get worked up!”

“You have cold hands!”

“That doesn’t justify you punchin’ me in the face!”

I sighed. “Piers, can you help us find Leon? He’s missing after three hours-we’re worried.”

Piers nodded. “That ninny probably went and got lost again…sure.” He grinned, showing slightly sharp canines. “I’ll get Team Yell and we’ll have ourselves a bit of fun, yeah?”

I made a strangled noise before squeaking, “Okay…”

I must’ve looked MORTIFIED because Piers stopped grinning and looked puzzled. “What?”

Hop was trembling when he said, “You looked like a real mob boss when you said that…”

Piers sighed. “Sorry. My face just does that sometimes…it’s nothin’. C’mon. Let’s go and find your brother.”

Piers somehow managed to get the entirety of Team Yell and Marnie to Wyndon in fifteen minutes. Hop made a noise like a Rattata being stepped on before squeaking, “How…?”

Piers grinned and spun his mic. “When you’re a gang leader, you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeve. Alright there, Marnie?”

Marnie sighed. “I’m tired…why am I here anyway?”

Piers smiled. “Well, Marnie, we decided that Team Yell will help Abby out. So we’ll cheer her on…together.”

Suddenly, a voice behind us said, “What a moving display of sibling love! However, it is completely unnecessary.”

We turned to see Oleana, the Chairman’s assistant standing before us, arms crossed with her usual emotionless expression. Piers protectively stepped in front of Marnie, shielding her from Oleana’s gaze. “Oh. It’s you,” Piers snarled, fists ready to fight to protect his sister, “what d’you want?”

Oleana sighed. “Leon is in the middle of a very important meeting with the Chairman. I have given the key to a member of our organization. You will not interrupt them.”

We saw a man with black sunglasses run in the opposite direction. Piers snarled and stepped toward him, but Marnie pulled him back.

“Piers,” she sighed, “you can’t go beat him up…that’s how you get arrested…”

Oleana nodded. “Good luck. And yes, Piers, be a good boy and stay on your leash.”

She walked off without another word. Piers was heavily breathing and muttering, “Deep breaths. Calm. Think of something else…anything else…Raihan. Flowers. Spikemuth. Just…OH, FORGET IT!”

He lunged for the spot Oleana had been standing moments before, and it took Marnie, Hop, Morpeko, Dubwool, Singe, and I to hold him back.

“What does that woman think I AM?! A GROWLITHE?! Why, I oughta-“

Marnie pats his shoulder. “Piers, please! She wants to make you look unstable.”

Piers snarled, “And what am I?”

Marnie went silent as we all stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. I coughed to try and break the silence, only to make the silence more awkward.

Finally, Marnie whispered, “You’re a person. My amazing older brother. The guy who wouldn’t go anywhere when I was sick for a week. The guy who won’t eat anything until I eat something-and I have to constantly remind him that it’s okay to eat in front of me. That he is good enough. That I will accept him no matter what. No matter how annoying, strict, loud, or rude he is. The guy who takes the worst of the load I carry-whenever he can. The one who’s been there no matter what. Even when he wanted to do something else-and had to. He puts me first and has gotten sick from it-but still does it because he loves me. Even if I can be a bad sister…he truly loves me. And I love him.”

The fight seemed to go out of Piers at once. He stood there for a few seconds before taking a shaky breath. “I… I…”

He sighed and wiped away his tears of fury. “Thanks, sis. I gotta stop doin’ that…it ain’t good for you or me.”

Marnie nodded. “We can handle that later. For now, let’s focus on this.”

Piers nodded back. He turned to us.

“Listen up.”

“That employee ain’t gonna wait for us to find him. We gotta move.”

“Team Yell. Make five groups. Send one to the northeast of Wyndon. One to the southeast. The others to the correspondin’ locations. The last one to the center of Wyndon. Marnie, Hop-you do an individual search with two Team Yell grunts. Abby and I’ll take two and do the same. Hop, take good care of my sister. Got that? Aight. Split!”

After a long search and many cheers from Team Yell, we finally found the staff guy in a phone booth. He smirked. “Catch me if you can!”

He ran off, and Piers snarled, “Team Yell! Gather! Get Hop and Marnie! We’ll corner him together! C’mon, Abby!”

We ran inside the monorail station only to find four guards-all in the same pose, all with the same black glasses. More employees stood by, ready to bombard us with Pokemon attacks if we tried anything.

Hop moaned. “Great. They all look the same…and those guards, too…now how do we get the key?”

Piers sighed and leaned against me, putting his elbow on my shoulder. “Aight. Don’t worry. I’ll handle this.”

He walked forward three steps and took out his mic stand. Mutters flew from the mouths of the people watching.

“Is that…Piers?”

“Why’s he doing a street performance?”

“Station performance?”

“Let’s see if we can get closer!”

The Macro Cosmos employees shifted nervously and whispered to each other.

I asked Marnie in a whisper, “What’s he doing?”

Hop nodded. “What is he doing?”

She whispered, “I don’t know…”

Piers snarled, “So where’s the man? S’he hidin’? Well, I’ve got a song for y’all! Get ready!”

Piers took a breath and began to sing. (note: this is to the tune of this: an extended version of Piers’s Theme! Listen to it while reading this for added effect! The lyrics start at around ten seconds! Also, these are original lyrics!!! These took forever!!! Enjoy!)

“🎶Sufferin’ unknown to man

Look what you’ve done, I’m cryin’

You shine your light upon me

Though I obviously feel like dyin’

Hasn’t it been enough

To wreck my life, of course not,

You think that you’re so tough

But I guess that you’ve forgot


I don’t go down ea-sy

You think you are the king

Psh, Rose, don’t be so slea-zy!!!!🎶”

The Macro Cosmos employees’ whispers grew into a wave of rage.

One male employee stepped forward. “Who do you think you are, insulting the Chairman?! Insolent brat!”

Piers only smirked. “How about ya listen?! My song just gets louder and louder! TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN!”

He took a deep breath and continued singing as a crowd began to gather and Team Yell began to cheer, “Go, Piers!!!”.

🎶Break me down…

I’ll get up…

Can’t get rid…

Of the king…

You can scream at me

I can yell even longer

Your voice gets weaker

While mine gets even stronger

You spoiled runts show that pride comes before the fall

I only care about family and warmth,


I can yell even longer

Your voice gets weaker

While mine gets E-ven stronger

You spoiled runts show that pride comes before the fall

I only care about family and warmth,


Piers then let out a loud screeching noise, like a howl, growl, roar, and scream all mixed into one. Hop and I jumped about a foot into the air, and even Marnie, who grew up around Piers doing things like this, flinched and looked terrified.

“W-What?!” I yelped, “What was that?”

Hop nodded vigorously. “And what’s Clawclan?!”

Before Marnie could answer, a rumbling came from behind the Macro Cosmos employees. I barely had time to say, “Piers, wha-” before a horde of Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone, one Low Rise Toxitricity, and one Rillaboom trampled the employees. The Galarian Zigzagoon and Linoone proceeded to climb over the guards. The employees, as expected, freaked out.





Piers grinned as an Amped Toxitricity and an Obstagoon emerged from two Pokéballs he was carrying in his pocket. “Maximizers and Clawclan are ready to ROCK! Toxitricity, Overdrive! Everyone else, you know what to do! ROCK OUT!”

He looked at Marnie and brought a finger to his right ear, smirked, nodded, then faced his mic again.

Marnie looked confused. “That’s cover your ears.”

Hop and I both asked, “What?”

Marnie sighed. “We made a secret code for some common phrases, like, we need to leave, I’m hungry, get ready, run on my mark, stuff like that. That’s our code to say cover your ears…I wonder why.”

We all covered our ears anyway, and we were glad we did.

Piers threw his head back and laughed maniacally before letting out a screech that sounded like metal claws on a chalkboard. Rillaboom and the Clawclan mimicked the noise. Even covering my ears, the noise was unbearable. Both Toxitricity’s Overdrive made it worse. The guitar only added to the loud music. Obstagoon laughed and howled, in perfect sync with Piers.

The Macro Cosmos employees shrieked. I saw one stumble forward, and, so quickly I almost missed it, in one swift move, Piers snatched something from the employee’s pocket and threw it to me. I caught it one-handed and then stared in awe at the key to Rose Tower.

Hop blinked. “Woah. Piers is so cool.”

I nodded. “I know.” I waved to Marnie. “Marnie! C’mon!”

Marnie shook her head. “I gotta stay with my bro!”

I gaped. “Wait-Piers, you’re not-PIERS!”

I yelled the Dark-type Gym Leader’s name as he was tackled by a Macro Cosmos employee. I realized: They still think Piers has the key!

After that, all Yveltal broke loose.

Obstagoon, Rillaboom, Toxitricity, and the Clawclan stopped their onslaught of noise and began attacking the employees in a vain attempt to protect their leader. The Macro Cosmos workers sent out their Pokémon. The citizens in the monorail station sent out their own Pokémon to protect themselves. Employees went flying. People were fighting. Electricity crackled. It was a mess.

Piers was pinned to the ground by employees, who were punching, scratching, and kicking him in every spot they could think of.

“RESISTANCE IS FUTILE,” an employee bellowed into a microphone. “HAND OVER THE KEY, PIERS. LET’S DO THIS WITHOUT A FIGHT.”

Piers snarled, “You wish! Obstagoon, use-!”

His command was interrupted by a swift whack in the stomach from a Steelix’s tail. Piers went flying and hit the brick wall with a sickening crack.

“PIERS!” I shouted.

He moaned, clutched his stomach, and stood up, trembling so badly he had to lean against the wall for support. His coat was slightly torn, and the pendant on his choker was visibly trembling against his skin.

“Ungh…ack…ribs…probably broken…still…won’t give in…!”

He coughed. Suddenly, Marnie shouted, “Morpeko, AURA WHEEL!”

A hamster wheel made out of a strange glow slammed into an employee advancing, attempting to get to Piers.

Suddenly, an Aegislash used Steel Beam, barely missing Marnie’s head. Piers’s eyes suddenly went wild, his posture straightening, then drooping, hanging limply like Allister.

“Stay away…” he muttered…


He snarled and began punching the employees in the face as they tried to take him down, his movements smoothly flowing from a punch to a kick, mowing down the grunts as quickly as they advanced.

I tried to move forward as Team Yell joined the fight, but Hop pulled me back. “You can’t go in there!”

I pulled away from him, glaring. “But Piers needs help!”

Piers looked back at me, blood trickling from his mouth and various other spots on his body. “Don’t worry about me! I’ll be okay! This is your chance! Go! NOW!”

We had no choice but to leave the two there. Hop and I climbed onto the monorail to Rose Tower, ready to find Leon.

Welp, this is a two-part blog because this is long as fup.

Eh, I missed my blog last week. This’ll make up for it!

See you there!


By Abby Subedi


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