Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

After beating Marnie, I battled Hop and his Dubwool to pass the Semifinals. I was so worried about moving onto the Finals, that I had to sit down on a bench. “And breathe…” I said. Piers looked at me. “Huh?” he said. “O-Oh!” I replied, embarrassed. “You didn’t hear anything.” He laughed and said solemnly, “It’s okay if you’re nervous, you know.” I blushed. “Uh, just worried. I don’t want to lose, you know?” Piers replied, “Oh, it’s almost time for the first match. Gotta go.” While he walked away, I thought about everything I’ve been through. Bede breaking the mural in Stow-on-Side, going into the Slumbering Weald to save that Wooloo, all that. I wanted to prove the world that I, a 10-year-old girl, could start a new era.

When I walked onto the battlefield, the announcer said, “Only some Gym Leaders and one challenger remain. Let the finals begin!” And then, just to annoy me, enter Bede. “A moment, may I. Does anyone here even remember me?” “Bede.” I growled. “What are you doing here?” He smirked. “Oh, just making my introduction. Besides, thanks to you, my life has been ruined!” I stared at him. “WHAT?! How did I ruin your life?” Bede glared at me. “Hmph. Do you know what I’ve been through? Dressed in pink, having to undergo stupid quizzes, and it’s all thanks to you!” Then I snapped. “Well, excuse me, Bede, but you destroyed the mural on your own! Don’t pin it on me! If you came up here for a Pokémon battle, I’m happy to kick your butt!” And so we had a Pokémon battle. And APPARENTLY Bede has a Mawile now, who was easily defeated by Singe using Pyro Ball. Oh, BTW, Singe knows Electro Ball now, because I read somewhere that Leon’s Charizard knows one Fire-type move, one Flying-type move, one Rock-type move, and… one Grass-type move😲?! I don’t know how that works… but I don’t have a Coalossal, so Singe was my best option. Anyway, Bede had made this crazy promise before the battle started, and that was, if he lost, he would RETIRE from being a Pokémon Trainer. But after I won, everyone started cheering for Bede, so he had to keep going. Then he said, “I was going to use retiring as an excuse to get away from that crazy old lady! It’s all thanks to YOU!” Then I said, “You got what you wanted. Now go.” Bede turned around, gave me one least scowl, and left the stadium.

After winning the finals(as expected), I walked out of the stadium, and Leon and Hop were waiting for me. Well, Hop walked out with me, so I guess it was just Leon… Anyway. Leon greeted me with a smile(I love that man), and said, “Congrats, Abby! Let’s go out to dinner and celebrate your victory! Get whatever you want! It’s on me.” Hop said, “Okay, just don’t get trash takeout.” Hop looked at my thoughtful expression. “What’s on your mind, Abby?” Hop asked. I smiled. “Oh, nothing. Just thinking about some Mocha Poke Puffs(despite the name, they can be eaten by people, and don’t contain coffee, just chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate)and Sweet Tropical Curry.” Hop smiled back. “You have quite the sweet tooth, don’t you, Abby?” Then we both laughed. Leon grinned. “Well, wait for me at the hotel. I have something to do.” “Okay.” I said. Hop and started off. Hop said, “This shouldn’t take long!”

Three hours later(yes, even though most of my blogs are related to the game’s storyline, but aren’t the actual plot as the parts with my different face expressions aren’t true, nor the parts with me responding true, it does say three hours later), Hop was pacing, and I was watching and eating a Custap Berry from my Bag. Hop moaned. “Geez, where is Leon? I’m starving!” I sighed. “I’m also hungry. This is just a snack. What could take Leon three hours to complete?” Hop then suggested we go look for Leon, as he could be in trouble. I agreed. When we went to look for Leon, Piers joined us, along with Marnie and… TEAM YELL?! Man, this game is full of surprises. Oleana told us, “The champion is busy, so you can’t go. I gave the key to one of our members.” “Why are you telling us?” I asked. Oleana replied, “Because it’s part of the storyline. Anyway, you’ll never get the key.” And then the member ran off with the key.

(Five minutes and many of Marnie’s cheers) “We got the key!” I shouted. But when we got to the monorail, all these Macro Cosmos employees came out and blocked our way. Then Piers said, “I’ll handle this.” Then he pulled out his microphone stand and started singing. Then everyone was like, “Hey, is that Piers? Why is he doing a street performance?” But then he made a really weird noise, and no one knew what it was. Huh? I thought. Five seconds after he made that noise, some Galarian Zigzagoon came running and scared the League Staff away. Then everyone came to listen to Piers’s performance. “Go!” He told us. “I can handle this.” Then both Hop and I ran into the monorail to Rose Tower.

Upon going up, we had to battle a bunch of League Staff members, and when we finally got up, Oleana confronted us. I said, “Oleana, what do you want?” And she replied, “If I defeat you, the Champion will have no one to battle! He’ll be heartbroken! And he’ll listen to anything the Chairman says in that state!” I stopped. I thought. Hop and Oleana looked at me. Then I snapped. “YOU MONSTER! Even if I lose to you, I’ll still face Leon! You can’t do that to a person! You can’t do that to a Pokémon! YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ANYONE! I’ll show you what I’ve got, and change your EVIL, WICKED, HEART!” Hop’s eyes were wide as dinner plates. “Whoa.” He said. “First of all, ‘Take your Heart’ sounds familiar. And have you been eating red meat?” I won easily. My Pokémon were as angry as I was. My bond with them plus their anger made unmatching strength. Oleana was shocked at her defeat, because even when she Gigantamaxed her Garbodor, she was unable to win. We ran past her, and into the room where Rose and Leon were. Rose said _______ and Leon replied_______________________. Hey, I won’t spoil the whole conversation for you! You gotta play the game! The only thing I can tell you is: Leon said to Rose that there’s no reason to cancel tomorrow’s match(the Champion Battle). “Lee!” Hop yelled. Leon looked behind him. “Hop! Abby! What are you two doing here?” I said. “You were taking so long, and we were worried about you. So we came to find you.” Leon sighed. “Oh. I must’ve lost track of time. Now let’s go out for dinner.” While we were walking away, Rose muttered, “Leon… You’ll regret disobeying my request.”

The next day, I woke up, went to the stadium, and this one guy pissed me off. He said, “I don’t think Challenger Abby is good enough to win. She just can’t do it. What do you think, young lady?” I looked up at him, then angrily stormed off. I put on my uniform, and walked out onto the battlefield, where Leon was waiting for me. But before the battle was going to begin, Rose appeared on the Jumbotron. He was like, “Hey, I’ve awakened the Darkest Day to save the Galar region from a loss of all energy that’s like a million years away from now but I don’t care and it’s a Poison-Dragon type Pokémon that will kill everybody on the planet but it’s going to save the region so who cares have fun dying.” Okay, maybe he didn’t say that, but something like it. And how the huckleberry is that gonna help the region? Anyway, after he was done speaking, Hop pulled me backward. “Hey!” I asked. “What was that for?” and then a red pillar of Dynamax particles burst out of the ground right where I had been standing. I would have went. “Oh, um…” I looked at Hop and blushed. “Thanks.” Hop looked away. “Save it. Let’s get out of here.”

Hop, Leon, and I were all in the tunnel. “Abby!” Leon yelled. “Are you okay?” I sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Leon said, “Rose has released the Darkest Day. We have to do something! I’ll make a plan to defeat and catch Eternatus. Abby, you and Hop will find a way to help. Got it?” “Wait!” I cried. Hop and Leon looked at me. I said, “The Challenger Uniform is made for standing in a stadium and to protect you from the changing conditions of the Battlefield. Not for hiking and riding bikes! I need to change.” Hop blushed. “Wait, in here?!” I glared. “There’s no time! Look away!” Hop and Leon both faced the other way. “HOP, I SAID, LOOK AWAY!!”

After changing into a more appropriate outfit, Hop and I left for the Slumbering Weald. After saying goodbye to my mom, I ran into the Slumbering Weald. Following the How to Be a Ninja by Sheik video in PokéTube(not in the actual game) I was able to avoid all the wild Pokémon. Then I found a beautiful hidden area where a Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield were. I picked up the awesome sword, and Hop picked up the shield. We then took a Flying Taxi to Hammerlocke, and I had to battle Rose. With Singe learning Blaze Kick in the middle of the battle, it was an easy win. Then after going down to battle Rose, I had to go back up again to the top of the stadium to fight Eternatus. We saw Leon battling Eternatus. He said, “All I have to do is catch it!” But when he tried to catch it, he told us to stay back. But then, bursts of red energy came out of the Pokéball. Then, the Pokéball exploded. Charizard protected us, but Charizard and Leon got the full blast of it. Charizard went back into it’s Pokéball and Leon had collapsed in front of Eternatus. The upper half of the Pokéball rolled toward us. Eternatus had Gigantamaxed! I took action. I told Sylveon to get Leon to the side. Then I told Singe, “Time for our attack! Use Blaze Kick!” Singe’s foot was then engulfed in orange flame. “Cinderrrrace!” When Singe hit with our newest move it… did nothing? Hop said, “Dubwool, Double Kick!” That did nothing either. Then we pulled out our rusted weapons as a last resort, and Zacian and Zamazenta appeared in cool new forms! After Behemoth Blade, Behemoth Bash, Take Down, and a bunch of Pyro Balls, I pulled out my black Z-Band with a Fire-type Z-Crystal(I am aware you do not have a Z-Band in the game, but this is part of my blog) “Now, Singe!” I cried. “Make a flame hot enough to melt all the snow in the Crown Tundra! Use Volcano Rage!” “Cinder..” Singe gathered his energy as red-hot flames engulfed him and lava coated his leg. “ACE!” Dealing the final blow to Eternatus, allowing me to catch it in a Premiere Ball and save the Galar Region.

Three days later, we hear that Rose turned himself in to the authorities. I go to the stadium to challenge Leon. Working through his Pokémon is no sweat, thanks to Persephone and Singe. Then, it’s time. Charizard comes out. Singe comes out. We Gigantamax. G-Max Wildfire and Max Thunder hit each other. Then, it’s over. I win. I am the champion, after these long days. I’ve done it. The story’s over.

. . .OR IS IT?

Deep in the Slumbering Weald, an evil is stirring…

That’s all, everyone! Check back later for a new Pokéventure!

By Abby Subedi


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