Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

After making curry for everyone, Lilligant gave us some of its nectar. Did I mention that I love Lilligant? Hop looked at the amber liquid. He grinned like a Meowth(maybe Piers was right, see Pokeblog: Tale of Legends: The Master Sword and Guardian Shield Unite to Fight. Why am I getting BOTW vibes?). “Maybe this is what we need to have Urshifu Gigantamax!” Urshifu grunted. Then he yawned. Hop slurped up some of the nectar. He smacked his lips. “Hmmm… not sticky enough! We should try Applin’s nectar.” Then, Hop and I ran into an Applin, who hop, hop, hoppity hopped away. So we chased it, and it disappeared around a corner. We turned, and we came to a dead end with a tree. Pokémon are weird. But then I looked up the tree. An apple? I yelled up the tree, “YOU CAN’T FOOL ME, BOI!” Hop was staring at me like I was a weirdo. I shook the tree, and Applin fell out. On my head. Ouch. The Applin hopped away, like, “HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEEEEEE!” Hop sighed. “Welp, that Applin gave us the slip, but it gave us some nectar!” Then he swiped some nectar out of my hair. Ew. Boys are weird. Hop grinned. “Maybe if we go to Honeycomb Island, we’ll find what we’re looking for!” So began my journey to Honeycomb Island.

First, I had to go to the Tower of Water. Then I had to find the direction. Then my sister said, “How about that one?” I glared at her. “Oh, please. That isn’t even the right way!” My sister thought. “Hmm.” She said. “But you know the gag where there’s one thing they don’t try, and that’s it?” I scoffed. “That only happens in video games!” But then I had to go to the island. So I started off. And then Sharpedo chased me. I would explain, but to make it simple, Just search up ‘aaaa why are you running’ then play the first video, while you imagine a girl with pink hair, brown skin, and gray eyes, on a bike, in the water, running away from Sharpedo. It’ll add humor, trust me. Just make sure the lady is the girl, and the sharks are the dude. You’re welcome. Anyway, when I got to the island(without getting bitten), it was Honeycomb Island. Ohhhhhhhh, the irony. Then after looting the island, and stepping into the water a teensy bit, then a Sharpedo spawned(I didn’t get bitten), I found Hop in front of a large tree. He said, “The honey is in here, I know it!” So I stepped up to the tree, then shook it. A beehive came out, and then something big came out. It was a Vesipquen! It zipped around for a few seconds, then looked at me. “BZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZZZZZ!” it buzzed. I looked at how big it was then said, “Ohhhhhhhhh Arceus.” Then it dragged me into the Max Den.

What just happened? What’s gonna happen to me? Find out in the next Pokeblog!

By Abby Subedi
