Sat. Mar 1st, 2025 10:19:52 PM

Today I started my day with good ol’ Mustard saying, “Those of you who passed the first trial, good work. To celebrate, I could definitely kill for a bowl of delicious Max Soup. With those tasty Max Mushrooms…” I was like, “Uh, Hel-LO, there’s no time to be reminiscing about soup! WHAT IS THE SECOND TRIAL?!” Then Mustard’s like, “Okay! Your second trial is to find three Max Mushrooms, so we can make Max Soup!” …Huh😓? For our second trial, we have to find some PINK MUSHROOMS THAT I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIND? HOW IS THAT EVEN FAIR?! Luckily, when everybody left, Mustard just said, “Oh, Abby! It just occured to me that you’re new to the Isle of Armor, and don’t even know where to find Max Mushrooms!” Oh, ha ha, you JUST realized that. Ha ha, I’m dying with laughter😡. He then led me to the Forest of Focus, a winding forest that had SO many twists and turns, that you could start at the start, and after hundreds of twists and turns, you end up… AT THE START💀! Then he’s like, “This is the Forest of Focus, and there used to be a chock full of Max Mushrooms. But then a swarm of Greedent came and ate every last one of the Max Mushrooms!” Well, if you’re wondering, Greedent is a Normal-type, and it is the Greedy Pokémon(no surprise there hehehe😏) . Anyway, he also said, “So I think you’ll have more luck checking Warm-Up Tunnel, on the other side of the forest!” Me: Ha! “This shouldn’t take long.”

————————————————–5 hours later——————————————————————-

Me: “Help.” It’s harder than it looks, people. I kept ending up at the start. Then, very helpfully, someone said, “I want to go to the Training Lowlands, but I know this isn’t the right way…” So I went to the Training Lowlands, and guess what I found? The entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel! Yay me😁! And then, right smack in the middle of the cave there were Max Mushrooms, three of them! Am I lucky or what? But then ^*$# Klara came along and was like, “I saw those Max Mushrooms first!” DUDE, THEN WHY DIDN”T YOU PICK THEM?! That’s how I knew her story was fiction. We had a battle(to see who got to keep the Max Mushrooms!), and I won. Again. So I got the Max Mushrooms😁. She said she would find better Max Mushrooms. I Flying-Taxied to the Dojo, and there was everyone else, who failed to find Max Mushrooms. When Mrs. Honey was about to use the Max Mushrooms I brought, Klara came rushing in. She had found Max Mushrooms too😡! We used her Max Mushroom’s, but Mustard told me what happens when a Pokémon drinks Max Soup. It can Gigantamax! After the meal, I used my own Max Mushrooms to make some Max Soup for Singe, my Cinderace! Now cute lil’ Singe can Gigantamax! Klara and I were the only one who passed the trial! Two trials down, one to go…

What is the last trial? Why does Klara want the secret piece of armor? (I suppose you’re probably wondering what the secret piece of armor is too.) More secrets to be revealed in my upcoming blogs!

By Abby Subedi
