Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Lately, I’ve had a hard time finding ideas to write about for blogs. My mom gave me a lot of ideas, but I knew those topics were bland, so I wouldn’t even TRY to write about said topics.

However, I have been taking an interest in chemistry, so I want to share some things about chemistry.

  • Nitrogen + Hydrogen + A lit matchstick = A REALLY bad idea!
  • For explanation on the last fact, it’s because nitrogen is explosive, and hydrogen is SUPER flammable.
  • Even though the video game Kid Icarus: Uprising associates the element phosphorus with lightning (because of Phosphora), phosphorus is more closely related to poison and fire, than electricity.
  • Fluorine (a very flammable element) is in the water you drink!
  • Pure sodium + Water = BIG explosion (boom💥)
  • Mercury (the element, not the planet) + Your lungs = Death (usually💀😀)
  • Trick birthday candles will ignite back up after you blow them out because of the strain of magnesium (a flammable element) on the candles.
  • Too much calcium is the main cause for osteoporosis.

And finally…

  • Tomato juice does not cover up the scent of skunk spray, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap is the recommended method.

Here are my references!

The Book of Ingeniously Daring Chemistry by Sean Connolly

And this document from the University of Nebraska (page two is where you find the formula)!

See y’all later!

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering