My Hobbies(And Stuff I Do/Did)
So. I have FOUR DAYS until school starts. Woo hoo. I go to BA, so that’s why it starts early. Also, I’m trying track this year. I regret it. My…
So. I have FOUR DAYS until school starts. Woo hoo. I go to BA, so that’s why it starts early. Also, I’m trying track this year. I regret it. My…
len with axe waa haa
Hello everyone! I was originally going to release this in July, but then I slaked off, so this is why I’m releasing this now. So this YouTube Spotlight is not…
Hello everyone. Now, let me explain. Because of the lack of my computer during the time I was in Nepal (and also the lack of creativity as well), I missed…
f in the chat for neo and sharv