Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Tennis was very fun. We played a bunch of games like avo and bobsled they were very fun but last Friday it was over but on that day we had a tournament well two we played on Tuesday and Friday it was a bunch of fun but I lost in the first match against my sister Eureka’s friend AKA Gargi she went on a bunch of matches and she won most of them until she went against my friend Alex he was very good and they had such a long match it was 30 — 60 minutes long but sadly Gargi lost then Alex won 5 matches in total in one day.

Then another person named Persune who was my friend he was so good he was like I don’t even know how to explain it he’s just sol good like only one coach could best him and he was Zach he was also the head coach so anyway he was also playing in the tournament and he was up against someone she was so good she almost as good as Persune but Persune prevailed and that match was like 90 minutes long AKA 0ne hour 30 minutes long