Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

At this point, this is probably gonna go on for like, three more parts.

I actually really like third-person perspective better for this storyline, similar to my “Flames of Agony and Fury” storyline.

So, here we go! Part 5 of the Pibby storyline!

As someone suggested, here’s what has happened so far:

Jhordan(or Hexa/Hexadust, as he will be more commonly referred to)is searching for his friends after his apocalypse. He encounters RuvStyle, only to find he was barely holding back the Darkness(aka. the Corruption, not to be confused with the actual corruption, I’m referring to it as the Darkness because I kind of wanna write an FNF Corruption storyline)back. He eventually is forced to give in and transforms into a terrifying combination of his Manifest form, himself, and a Pibbified version of who he once was. He’s in immense pain as he still attempts to fight the Darkness back. The building Hexa found Ruvenstain in(reason for this: I kind of wanted to do a Child’s Play cover, but scrapped that in favor of a Come Along With Me cover, found in Part 1.)catches fire and Hexa runs out. He later finds a black pistol and Zynux, who so far, is the only other Neogang survivor Hexa knows of. They go back to the home the gang once shared, now ravaged by the Darkness. Hexa finds an old picture of the Neogang, but Neonight’s face has been torn out. The sight is enough to bring Hexa to tears. They find the corrupted versions of Sharv and Zuih in the house, and Zuih disappears into the glitchy mass of the Darkness. Hexa can’t bring himself to shoot Sharv, and manages to have a quick conversation as Sharv breaks free, for just a bit before becoming fully corrupted once more. He loses control and corrupts Hexa. Zynux bandages his wounds after they run away, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they can slow the spread of Corruption so Jhordan doesn’t get corrupted, and they can find a way to cure it…maybe…


Jhordan stared at his now bandaged hand. “Hm…Are you sure this will work?”

Zynux nodded. “Maybe if we keep it contained, it can’t fully corrupt you. There should be a cure…”

Hexa doubted it, but the hopeful look on his friend’s face made him nod. He couldn’t destroy Zynux’s hope…not when he had something to hope for now.

“Yeah…should we go find Neo? If he really is in danger…”

Hexa’s voice trailed off. Zynux knew exactly what he was thinking. Maybe they could save Neo. But…

“Sharv said he didn’t want us to get hurt…does that mean Neo is corrupted?”

“Even if he is,” Jhordan growled, suddenly irritable, “I’m not going to lose another friend. We have to find him.” He stood up suddenly.

The room turned sideways and multiple shades of yellow, red, and blue. Hexa stumbled. “Uh…Ungh…”

Zynux caught him before he hit the ground. “Get up slow…you don’t wanna strain yourself.”

“Mmkay…” Hexa’s adrenaline disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. “I just…we have to…”

“Please.” Zynux clutched Jhordan’s hand. “Take it easy for a little bit.”

Suddenly, a rustling noise came from behind them. Zynux gasped.

“I thought he…”

Sharv stumbled toward them corrupted and bloody.

He let out a maniacal little laugh. Then another.

Before staring into Jhordan’s eyes with his own soulless ones and grinning.


Hexa stiffened. No.

Zynux told me it wasn’t true. They all did. Even Ruv.

But to hear it come out of the mouth of the person I never wanted to hear it from…

He almost fell to his knees. “Sharv, I…”


“No…” Hexa sobbed, “No, no…”

“Don’t listen to him,” Zynux tried, “You know this isn’t Sharv. He wouldn’t tell you that.”

“How would you know?” Hexa muttered. “He sacrificed himself. If I’d been faster…”

“We’ve been through this. It isn’t your fault. He wanted you to make it, remember?”

Hexa went silent. “I’m sorry, Zynux.”

“This is between Sharv and me.”

Zynux’s eyes widened. “Hex, no-“

“I’m sorry, Zynux.”

“I’m sorry.”


Before Hexa knew it, he was lying on the ground. Zynux lay a few feet next to him.

“Ugh…Nux? What…?”

Zynux pushed himself up. “The explosion…then…”

Jhordan got up and surveyed the area. Darkness had been scattered everywhere.

No blood…so…

“Where’s Sharv?” Hexa turned to Zynux. “He should be here…”

Zynux’s eyes flicked to Hexa’s arm. “Your bandages are undone. Do you want me to-?”

“No,” Hexa sighed, “I’m okay.”

“Where do you think he is?”

“I got through to him again…for a little bit.” Hexa rewrapped his bandages. “He said it would be okay.”

“Hexa…what exactly did he say?”

He went silent. “He said…he said he was gonna go find Neo.”

“…You think he’ll be okay?”

“Sharv’s a fighter. He’ll be okay.”

He left out what he wanted to add.


Maybe he’ll be okay.

But would he?

All they knew was that Sharv was out there…somewhere…

He didn’t know who he was.

He’d woken up in a place he was unfamiliar with.

Cold, afraid, and alone.

He remembered a boy…a black mass…and pain. Lots and lots of pain.

Another boy…this one had dark hair.

I will always be here for you.

No matter what!

N̟̩̠̼͌͒ỏ͙̝͐̇̇̂̋̿͠ ̵̯̤͔̿̍ͅm̴̛̦͉̣̤͇̖̖̄͒ǎ̟̞͓̻̄t̜̖̓̓͂́̀̊̕t͉͉̩̀̊͗̅͐̐̐̐͜ĕ̵̸̛̜̕͢͞ṟ̴̢̡̲̰̊̋͜ ̣̘̇͋͢͏̷̡̨̼͑w̸̼͓͇̜͕̎h̴̖͉̥̎͆͡a̢̫̝͐̍́͝ţ̴̠̌̑̋̕…̠̫̂̀͆̂̓

He somehow knew…that boy wasn’t here.

That boy was in danger.

He had to help that boy.

He pulled himself from the ground as his memories came back in bits and pieces.

He had nothing but a white tank top, gray sweatpants, and blue sneakers on.

He had to find the boy with the lighter hair…now he recalled there had been another boy with him.

A boy with blue hair and a blue scarf.

The names would come back to him later, he thought, he had to remember soon.

He knew his name now…

His name was Sharv.

And he had to find Neonight.



Voicelines from Sharv’s Guess the FNF Character Video

Playable Sharv & Chromatics:

Vs. Hexa:

Velma Meets The Original Velma Mod:

Remembrance Final Mix:

By Abby Subedi


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