Yay FNF covers! All of these are best of the best(except for the last one, which is a big pile of schist), and more are coming(duh). I’m trying to find voicelines for a Toyboy but Neo and Sharv sing it, so that’s coming(maybe). Enjoy!
Abuse Jon Mix but Hexa and RuvStyle sing it
FORGIVENESS: Can-Can but Blake and Red sing it
C’mon Sharv! Let’s Get Our Buddy Back! Looking Glass but Manifest RuvStyle and Sharv sing it(ft. Hexa)
The Silly Bois Hanging Out :3: 2BEEP2MEOW but RuvStyle, Hexa, and Sharv sing it
And now: the big pile of schist:
A PIECE OF CRAP: Wife Whenever but Bluey and Daddy Pig/Papa Cerdo sing it
Welp, next time, I hope you’re ready to have a BAD TIME(megalovania in the background)
MY SKINS AND CHROMATICS: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1KbrdyC-2XIUEr1gbXr7WttqNj8gQVOqf
Vs. Hexa: https://gamejolt.com/games/vshexa/796851
Sharv Sprites+Chromatic: https://gamejolt.com/games/playablesharv/664249
RuvStyle’s Collection: https://gamejolt.com/games/fnf-ruvstyle-collection/717914
NuSky: https://gamebanana.com/mods/369981
Unfinished Homestuck Mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/414914
Hypno’s Lullaby: https://mediafire.com/file/iijjmx1cuwzzjpj/HYPNOS+LULLABY+FINAL+V2+BUILD.zip/file
Funkin’ Is Magic(you have to verify your age, the song I covered is not very mature, no gameplay so you can still listen): https://gamebanana.com/mods/380384
2BEEP2MEOW FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRVhRGovatw
Looking Glass FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8-6brrPAmA
Bluey Can-Can(+MIDI & CHROMATIC): https://gamebanana.com/mods/434694
Really Happy 2k22 FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GboW7YM58mE
Abuse(Jon Mix)FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW9o6ZmIbW8
Porkchop SF2 Pack: https://gamebanana.com/tools/11716