Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

By: Eureka Subedi

(Symbolism Book Review)

In the text The Low Cuts, the character Bit reminds me of a lion because he does anything to make close ones happy, is protective of close ones, confident, impatient, has a temper and he is observant and of his leadership. These traits remind of a lion because a lion brings food home for their family making them happy, observant of its prey, can have a temper, is confident, protective over its family, and impatient to kill prey during the hunt. You can see this in the text when Bit punched Trey for making fun of Jon – Jon’s birthmark which is a patch of grey hair, Bit also showed his protectiveness when he punched boys for making fun of Francy having short hair even though Francy didn’t care what they were saying.

Bit also shows traits of a lion through confidence, impatience, temper, and leadership. “Bit was the tiniest of the crew. And the obvious leader”, states the text on page 23. Bit shows this skill when he leads the crew through the truck, Mrs. Ceecee’s house, selling candy to the old people that can hurt them, during their meeting at lunch he took initiative and asked how much money they have, and knows exactly what to do with it. Bit also shows that he is like a lion because of his impatience when Mrs. Ceecee took too long to answer the door “Come on. Ain’t nobody got all day”, Bit said on page 26. The character also has the traits which make him like a lion such as observance, like a lion observing its prey Bit observed the place called “Placer Pool”, where he was going to sell the candy for days.

Lastly, Bit also shows his likeness to a lion because he does anything to make his close ones happy and he is determined to succeed in whatever he is doing. The character shows this by going to the Placer Pool to sell candy and staying there even though the old men told him and the low cuts that they couldn’t be in here because he was determined to sell the candy. Bit also shows this when they were late for the ice cream truck and sprinted and chased the ice cream truck down because he was also determined to buy ice cream for him and the low cuts. After managing to get the truck driver’s attention they managed to get 4 ice creams while ordering his friends wanted sprinkles on their ice creams but weren’t sure if they had money to do so but Bit bought the sprinkles to make his friends happy. Finally, Bit went home and gave his cancer survivor mom the ice cream, not even a single lick or touch out of it doing this made his mom happy. This shows how Bit is similar to a lion through confidence, impatience, temper, determination, leadership, and doing what he can to make his close ones happy.