Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

This book I want to show you today has humor, and sadness. This book luckily has a happy ending, don’t you worry!

The Meaning of Maggie first starts out with the main character, Margarita Mayfield (Maggie for short), in the hospital with her dad. It was her birthday back then. Maggie writes that she has to watch her dad while her mom and older sisters are in the cafeteria of the hospital, she also writes how she got here in the first place…

The book starts the year before Maggie’s 12 birthday, she wakes up to the shrill alarm clock noise, she then remembers that today is her birthday, and Maggie is REALLY excited about it! She has two older sisters. Layla, her dad’s favorite, and Tiffany, the older sister that is really mean to Maggie. Her dad’s legs are paralyzed, since he has Multiple Sclerosis, but everything is just fine for Maggie and her family, until…

Soon, Maggie’s dad (let’s call him Mr. Mayfield for now) starts having mood swings and even starts to yell at his favorite child Layla! Maggie then tries to find out what is wrong with her dad and fix it, but little does she know that the “fix” part may not happen…

The Meaning of Maggie will make you laugh, cry, and keep you hooked! I recommend it for 5th and 6th graders because this book is really heartbreaking and will make little kids cry, and they won’t understand the jokes either. Happy Reading!

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering