Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 12:22:05 AM

Hello everyone! Remember in my Starlight Mayhem blog when CJ mentioned a ‘one and upcoming robot dude’? Well, that robot dude is none other than Hex! Hex is a robot that wears shorts and a basketball jersey with the number 16. He sings four songs in his original week, which are Dunk, R.A.M, Hello World, and Glitcher. The plot of the story goes like this:

BF and GF are talking about how something was intense. BF says it was very ‘ballistic’. This probably means they were talking about their encounter with Whitty(see my Whitty blog for more info). BF and GF then go to the park(and that is what they originally intended to do). GF wonders who will challenge BF next, and BF responds with the fact that he doesn’t want anyone to rap battle because he’s tired. Right on cue Hex arrives(no break for BF)and asks if he’s up for a game. BF assumes he’s talking about basketball, but Hex confirms that he meant a rap battle. BF asks if he’s another guy who isn’t okay with him and GF being together, and Hex is like, “What gave you that idea?”(See: Literally EVERY SINGLE FNF MOD EVER). So then they have a fun little rap battle.

Dunk plays, and then this happens.

They take another round.

NO, I’m not kidding. The dialogue is literally this.

“That was cool.”


“Wanna take another round?”

“Yeah okay.”

Anyway, R.A.M. plays and then this:

Hex says the vibing levels are off the charts, and then just when they’re gonna go home, Hex asks for another round. Then they have another round. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS.

At this point, you may worry he’s gonna go Garcello. You know. Nonstop rap battling, for a whole day cycle(morning,noon,night)? Gods, even Bob and Bosip had to stop after 6 hours. And Hex is literally doing 18 hours! Isn’t he gonna run out of battery? Well, let’s find out:

BF is tired because they spent the whole day rap battling. He asks Hex if he’s tired, and Hex says no, because his battery is solar based so he’s saving energy in the night. Just when they say bye, Hex gets taken over by Iris, a virus possesing him. Yep. Offfffffff course. He says that BF has to enter enough inputs(LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT BEEP BOP BEEP BOP)and then the system will crash. Then he’ll enter sleep mode and take a safety scan, destroying Iris. BF agrees, and Glitcher plays. There is no ending segment, but we do know that Hex survives, because there are way too many other songs to mention.

Aaaand that’s all, folks! Here’s the link to play the Hex mod, and I hope you enjoyed this blog! Bye!

Hex mod:

By Abby Subedi


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