Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

We are all thankful for the rights that our founding fathers awarded us since not every country has the access to all the rights we have. Today you will be reading about the 10 amendments also known as the bill of rights. Before we talk about the bill of rights let’s first talk about the constitution. The constitution was written in 1787 by our founding fathers. The founding fathers wanted a “living document” as a way to run the new country. Then in 1791, a change to the so-called living document called amendments was added. The first ten amendments of the constitution are known as the bill of rights, the bill of rights talks about everyone’s individual rights. As years passed more amendments were added now, a total of 27 amendments are currently in the constitution. Today I will be talking about the first ten amendments the bill of rights.

Amendment 1- Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition the government

In a simple format, this amendment says that citizens’ freedom of religion, assembly, speech, press, and petitioning the government is protected. This means that you are able to practice and religion, voice your opinions, gather in a crowd, news reporters are allowed to talk about information and news that they have discovered, and ask the government to say something.

Amendment 2 – The right to bear arms

Amendment 2 means that you are allowed to keep a small weapon with you for your safety such as small guns, pocket knives, pepper spray, etc…

Amendment 3 – There will be no forced quartering of troops

The third amendment is saying that you will not be forced to provide housing, food, and other items for military troops unless okay with the owners of the property.

Amendment 4 – There will be no unreasonable searches

Amendment 4 says that law enforcement will not be able to search you or your property unless without a warrant or assembled by courts.

Amendment 5 – There will be no self-incrimination, double jeopardy but only the due process of law

This amendment protects you by saying that you will not be able to testify against yourself during trials, nor will you be able to testify for the same crime twice. The courts will also give you fair treatment during your trial.

Amendment 6 – The right to a speedy public trial, attorney, the witness in defense, jury, and clear charges

When you are accused of a crime you have the right to a quick public trial, with a jury, an attorney, and you as the witness in defense. This also means you will be able to know what you will be charged for if decided through a proper trial that you did the crime.

Amendment 7 – You have the right to a jury trial in civil cases

This right will make sure you have a jury trial that is processed properly for a civil case. Civil cases are court cases that involve disagreements with people or businesses.

Amendment 8 – There will be no cruel or unusual punishments

This amendment says that there will be no execution of cruel or unusual punishments. Although this amendment has been violated since we send people to death row this is still listed in the bill of rights and as the first 10 amendments of the constitution.

Amendment 9 – You have more rights than the rights listed in the constitution

Since not every right could be fit in the constitution, Amendment 9 protects the rights you have that are not listed in the document. Rights can be as the rights to privacy, travel, or as little as being able to DIY your hair, do your nails, take a shower, and so on.

Amendment 10 – The federal government only has rights that are listed in the constitution

This amendment limits the federal government from too much power. This also says that states are allowed to have a few different rules.