Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Farting, it is really really embarrassing for someone to notice that you made that smell. But don’t be embarrassed, there are good sides of farting as well! But from now on, you should call “farting” it’s more sophisticated term, “flatus”. That’s what scientists call it! Read these facts and you won’t be embarrassed if someone “cut the cheese”!

  1. Myth: GIRLS DON’T FART!

Almost everyone has heard the myth, “girls don’t fart”, and by girls, we mean young female children and women. I have no idea why this saying got made in the first place, but all I know is that IT’S NOT TRUE!!!! Everyone farts, boys, girls, and even other animals! So push that “fact” aside and let’s get to the next statment.

2. Myth: Farts Stink

This is not technically false, since flatus actually DO stink, but there are some facts that push somthings aside from this myth. Flatus only stinks because of the food we eat, which produces methane and hydrogen in exchange, and since your body has no room for these gasses, we get the gasses out of our bodies by burping and by, you guessed it, farting! Another fact which pushes this myth away is that out of all the gasses in flatus, 99% of those gasses don’t stink! So that means that 1% must be really, really strong!

3. Fact: Farting is Helpful

When you fart, you may feel embarrassed, but because of your body actually removing the hydrogen and methane, passing the gas, poping a fluffy, cutting the cheese, or whatever you call farting, is just a sign that your body is functioning correctly! Flatus is also known to warn people that they are lactose intolerant, as flatus is one of the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Farting is also a symptom of food intolerance, irritatible bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, and even more diseases!

Well, what have you learnt? You learned that girls fart (everyone does), only 1% of the gasses in farts are smelly, the food we eat is the cause of farts, that farting is a main way for your body to warn you, and that farting is just a sign that your

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering